Assume you were counseling people with the following presenting problems. Read each of the three scenarios

Your Topic: Module 2-Discussion Assignment-Spring 1-2023

Your Topic: Module 2-Discussion Assignment-Spring 1-2023

Assignment Details: Discussion Instructions:
•       Review the attached scoring guidelines for discussion assignments. Assume you were counseling people with the following presenting problems. Read each of the three scenarios about James, Susan, and Michael.  Then address the following questions for each person from an Existential Therapy perspective in a 400-600 word essay:
o       What issues are involved? What would be your counseling strategies (using primarily the Existential Therapy model), and how would you work with each of these persons? What would you want to say, and what would you hope to do? This discussion post requires two scholarly sources. One source can be your textbook. For the second source, use a peer-reviewed journal article from the UWA online library. Website sources will not be accepted as a second source.

Scenario One (James):
My fear is that I am empty and vacant inside. I’ve never really had to look at myself before now, but, since my husband left me, I am lost. I feel deserted, abandoned, isolated, and I fear that I cannot make it alone. I depended on him to give me a sense of worth, and now that he’s gone, I just feel a void.

Scenario Two (Susan):
So rarely do I feel close to another person. While I want this closeness, I am frightened of being rejected. Instead of letting anyone get close to me, I build walls that keep them removed. What can I do to lessen my fear of being rejected?

Scenario Three (Michael):
When I hear about all of the terrible things that are happening in the world (mass shootings and hate crimes, terrorism, poverty, and homelessness), I wonder what the meaning of all this suffering is about. How can I possibly find meaning in a world that is so dangerous and negative?

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 1

Number of Pages: 2

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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Your Topic: Module 2-Discussion Assignment-Spring 1-2023

APA 629 words

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