Assignment Details: Please write a 3-page paper on the topic of diversity. 

Assignment Details: Please write a 3-page paper on the topic of diversity. 

Your Topic:

Assignment Details: Please write a 3-page paper on the topic of diversity

Specifically, detail 3 business leaders from 3 different companies who embrace diversity (roughly one page per each leader – no intro or conclusion needed). 

The question to answer in your Paper is:  Write about the programs that each developed and delivered & the impact of each of the programs.  Impact should include general business metrics, e.g., increase in customers; product revenue growth; new customer segments reached; staff retention; employee satisfaction etc.

While this statement is somewhat broad it allows for your original thought. You can:

Think of any leaders that you admire or know of/read about; focus on leaders that you know about from your home country, the US, or another country
Conduct external/secondary research to locate details on 3 business leaders that have embraced diversity
Interview a leader who has embraced diversity (primary research)
Any other tactics that you know of to gather this information
Details on the Individual Writing Assignment from the syllabus and the posted class slides are listed below.

The assignment is 3-pages in length (not including the cover page). The written assignments must be word processed, with a 12 pt font size, double-spaced, new paragraphs indented, page numbers included, be submitted on the scheduled due date and delivered as an MS Word file type (DOC/DOCX) to the appropriate ‘Assignment Drop Box’ on the course homepage. Include the file extension. Do not submit Google Docs/pdf.

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 5

Number of Pages: 3

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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Assignment Details: Please write a 3-page paper on the topic of diversity. 

APA 1022 words

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