As you view the video about clinical teaching and learning a second time, consider some of the challenges that clinical instructors

As you view the video about clinical teaching and learning a second time, consider some of the challenges that clinical instructors

As you view the video about clinical teaching and learning a second time, consider some of the challenges that clinical instructors can face. What strategies can clinical instructors use to overcome the following challenges: 1) time pressures, 2) fewer patients, 3) shorter hospital stays, 4) limited availability and variety of learning opportunities, and 5) the varied needs and abilities of students

****Video is about a student nurse who is starting her clinical in nursing. The faculty member had assigned her a nurse to be her preceptor. When the student arrives at the hospital she finds that the faculty member is pretty behind on time with everything. The faculty member gives her the name of the preceptor and tells her to just go and find it. The student nurse is lost and confused, clearly not given any guidance. When she finds her preceptor, she is told that she can’t help her and that they are short-staffed. The student nurse has a difficult time with this and tells the faculty member about it. The faculty member tells the student nurse to not accept that answer and continues to ask the preceptor to help. There is a lot of miscommunication between the faculty and preceptor nurse. Both are making the student nurse’s experience very frustrating and upsetting.The nursing faculty needs to be more caring when it comes to the nurse preceptors workload. The clinical learning experience should be positive and beneficial. *****

Requirements: 1-2 paragraphs   |   .doc file


From this week’s reading :

This week, you will examine teaching and learning in the clinical

environment. Nursing faculty who teach in practice environments are vital
links to successful learning experiences for students. Effective clinical
instructors must be clinically competent in their area of practice, with an in-
depth knowledge and understanding of the theory and concepts related to
the practice of nursing.
Teaching nursing in the clinical environment is a dynamic process
that involves real problems in the context of professional nursing practice.
Clinical instructors are responsible for educating students in environments
that frequently have heavy workloads that are often fast-paced and time-
pressured as well. It is important to keep in mind that the role of a nursing
student is that of a learner and not that of a nurse. In other words, nursing
students are learning to care for their patients, and caring for patients is not
necessarily synonymous with learning.

This week, you will examine teaching and learning in the clinical environment. Nursing faculty who teach in practice environments are vital links to successful learning experiences for students. Effective clinical instructors must be clinically competent in their area of practice, with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the theory and concepts related to the practice of nursing. Additionally, it is essential to convey that knowledge to students in an understandable and supportive manner.

Teaching nursing in the clinical environment is a dynamic process that involves real problems in the context of professional nursing practice. Clinical instructors are responsible for educating students in environments that frequently have heavy workloads that are often fast-paced and time-pressured as well. Challenges of clinical teaching arise when the patients’ needs conflict with the students’ needs and the learning that takes place can be either facilitated or hindered by the quality of interaction between the instructor and the students. It is important to keep in mind that the role of a nursing student is that of a learner and not that of a nurse. In other words, nursing students are learning to care for their patients, and caring for patients is not necessarily synonymous with learning.

To avoid some of the difficulties or problems that occur with clinical teaching, nursing faculty should:

1) Provide clear guidelines for objectives and expectations

2) Seek out opportunities for active participation of learners rather than passive observation

3) Focus on development of problem-solving skills rather than factual recall

4) Provide opportunities for reflection and discussion

5) Provide adequate supervision

6) Provide constructive feedback often

7) By all means, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER teach by humiliation.

Regardless of the practice environment, the most important criterion for selecting clinical experiences is that each learning experience or activity relates logically to the desired learning outcome. Furthermore, each learning experience and practice activity should be an integral part of the course and align with the course and program outcomes. Finally, it is crucial that the clinical instructor, students, and nursing staff understand the goals and objectives of each clinical activity.

How can clinical instructors optimize the teaching and learning opportunities that arise in practice, considering such challenges as:

1) Time pressures

2) Fewer patients

3) Shorter hospital stays

4) Limited availability and variety of learning opportunities

5) The varied needs and abilities of students

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clinical teaching

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