As part of this course, you will write a Research Paper that provides a literature review on a topic in psychology

As part of this course, you will write a Research Paper that provides a literature review on a topic in psychology

As part of this course, you will write a Research Paper that provides a literature review on a topic in psychology. This week, you are to prepare a brief proposal of your research paper. Your proposal can be written in the first person and must use proper grammar without spelling errors or typos. The proposal should include the following details:

  • The chosen research question.
  • A paragraph with some background or rationale for the research.
  • Any specific focus of the question you plan to examine.
  • Identification of two peer-reviewed articles to consult, using APA formatting (or ASA if previously identified)

Requirements: 1 page   |   .doc file

Subject: Masters Psychology

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literature review on a topic in psychology

APA 387 words

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