After getting off to a good start in the first six months of his job at a manufacturing facility, Jim J. began coming in late

After getting off to a good start in the first six months of his job at a manufacturing facility, Jim J. began coming in late

Your Topic: Progressive Disciplinary Process

Assignment Details: After getting off to a good start in the first six months of his job at a manufacturing facility, Jim J. began coming in late. His lateness was severe enough that it caused disruption of the production line. Over the next few months, additional problems accumulated: falsifying timecards to cover up lateness, leaving work early, and continued tardiness.
As the HR manager, you contact Jim after the first report of tardiness from Jim’s supervisor. When Jim’s performance problems continued, you created a progressive disciplinary plan. Finally, when Jim’s supervisor reports that Jim was asleep on the production line, you write a recommendation for the company’s director about taking action toward Jim’s employment.

Record of First Conversation with Employee. 2–3 paragraphs. Describe your initial conversation with Jim, which takes place after the tardiness incidents begin. Document the report of his performance problem. Deliver feedback that is both constructive and positive related to his performance, sets expectations for improved performance, and lets Jim leave the conversation motivated to do his best.
Progressive Disciplinary Plan. 1 page. This plan will address Jim’s continued discipline problems. Imagine you are writing it after the first conversation failed to achieve results, and Jim’s performance problems continued. The goal of the plan is to improve Jim’s performance. It must specify consequences that become more serious if performance problems continue. It should set expectations for improved performance.
Recommendation and Documentation.1 page. Imagine you are writing it after the report that Jim was asleep on the production line.
Recommendation. Write a recommendation for the consequences that Jim will face. The consequences must align to Jim’s actions described in the scenario. Imagine that you are writing this recommendation after the implementation of the Progressive Disciplinary Plan you created.
Record of Prior HR Warnings to Employee. Create a record of disciplinary problems and your responses. The record must demonstrate that you (representing HR) followed the Progressive Disciplinary Plan, and it must support your recommendation to the director. Your record should include at least three dated entries of Jim’s behavior and HR responses

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources: 1

Number of Pages: 2

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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After getting off to a good startAfter getting off to a good start

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