According to your sources is sex trafficking a major problem in your country? Is labor trafficking or some other form more prevalent?

According to your sources is sex trafficking a major problem in your country? Is labor trafficking or some other form more prevalent?

Outline the first section of your paper about your chosen case. At this point, I expect that you have selected a country to focus on for the remainder of the semester. WRITE A SAMPLE DRAFT SEPARATE FROM THE OUTLINE


For this assignment please answer the following questions in an outline format. From your outline I should be able to identify a logical flow and understand the thrust of what you will be writing in your final paper.

Remember: the more work you do upfront week-to-week, the easier it will be to bring it all together for the final paper.

You must include a properly formatted works cited page for each outline assignment. MLA


To answer these questions please ONLY use the following:

  1. Review the 2022 State Department TIP report for your chosen country.
    1. Review the Walk Free Foundation Report for your country: ON THE GLOBAL SLAVERY INDEX GO TO 2018, DATA, COUNTRY REPORTS, MILESTONES
  2. Run a google scholar search to find 1 recent academic article on your chosen case.


1) According to your sources is sex trafficking a major problem in your country? Is labor trafficking or some other form more prevalent? Based just on the material that you have read please describe the most prevalent detected forms of trafficking in your case;

2) What appear to be the major causes (push and or pull factors) accounting for trafficking in your country?

3) Where did your country fall on the most recent Walk Free Foundation report? 92/167 Use some of their data


These outlines are graded pass/no pass but I will include comments and suggestions for you. Think of this as me reading your ideas for your final paper and giving you tips for improving. I am looking for the following:

  1. Did the author answer each of the three questions?
  2. Did the author cite exactly three sources as outlined above in a properly formatted works cited page? (using MLA in-text)


I need the outline but i also want the essay included on a separate document, i get confusing sometimes sorry

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sex trafficking

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