Write about an experience when you felt one of the following emotions: FRUSTRATION or ANGER, FEAR or ANXIETY

Write about an experience when you felt one of the following emotions: FRUSTRATION or ANGER, FEAR or ANXIETY

Journal 28

1. Write about an experience when you felt one of the following emotions: FRUSTRATION or ANGER, FEAR or ANXIETY, SADNESS or UNHAPPINESS. Describe fully the cause (what happened) and your emotional reaction. Because emotions are difficult to describe, you may want to try a comparison like this: “Anger spread through me like fire in a pile of dry hay”, . . . or “I trembled in fear as though I was the next person to stand before a firing squad”, or “For two days, unhappiness wrapped me in a profound darkness.” Of course, create your own comparison. Your journal entry might begin, “Last week was one of the most frustrating times of my entire life. It all began when. . . .” Most important, be aware of any emotions that you may feel as you are writing.

2. Write about an experience when you felt HAPPINESS or JOY. Once again, describe fully the cause (what happened) and your emotional reaction. A possible comparison: “Joy bubbled like champagne, and I laughed uncontrollably.” Most important, be aware of any emotions that you may feel as you are writing.

3. Write about any emotional changes you experienced as you described each of these two emotions. What did you learn or relearn about how you can affect your emotions? If you weren’t aware of any changes in your present emotions as you described past emotions, see if you can explain why. Were you not experiencing any emotions at all? Or could you have been unaware of the emotions you were feeling?

When you’re finished, upload or share your journal entry. Then hit “Submit Now” to submit this assignment for grading.

Journal 29

1. Write about a recent time when you felt overwhelmed, angry, sad, or anxious. Choose an experience different from the one you described in Journal Entry 28. Fully describe the situation that caused your emotional response; then describe the distressing feelings you experienced; finally, explain what you did (if anything) to manage your emotions in a positive way.

2. Identify two or more strategies that you could use in the future when you experience this emotion. Explain each strategy in a separate paragraph, and remember the power of the 4Es–examples, experiences, explanation, and evidence–to improve the quality of your writing. When you’re done, notice if simply writing about your stressors and ways to manage them may have reduced your level of stress. It did for students in a study at Southern Methodist University.

When you’re finished, upload or share your journal entry. Then hit “Submit Now” to submit this assignment for grading.

Journal 31

1. Write a list of 10 or more of your personal strengths. For example, mentally: “I’m good at math”; physically: “I’m very athletic”; emotionally: “I seldom let anger control me”; socially: “I’m a good friend”; and others: “I’m almost always on time.”

2. Write a list of 10 or more of your personal weaknesses. For example, mentally: “I’m a slow reader”; physically: “I’m out of shape”; emotionally: “I’m easily hurt by criticism”; socially: “I don’t listen very well”; and others: “I’m a terrible procrastinator. “

3. Using the information in Steps 1 and 2, write about the present state of your self-esteem. When you took the self-assessment in the beginning of the term, what was your Score #8 “Believing in Yourself”? What do you think your score will be when you take it again? If you think your two scores will be different, to what do you attribute the difference? Are you satisfied with where you think your self-esteem is today? If not, what can you do to improve it?

To create an outstanding journal, remember to use the five suggestions in the section “Write a Great Life” in Chapter 1. Especially remember to dive deep!

When you’re finished, upload or share your journal entry. Then hit “Submit Now” to submit this assignment for grading.

Journal 32

1. Download and open the attachment included in this activity. Beside the eight areas of the self-assessment, transfer your score from the assessment you took in the beginning of the term (first score) and your second score from the assessment you just took again.

2. Comparing the results from the two self-assessments, write in depth about the area(s) in which you have raised your score. Remember to answer questions that a thoughtful reader would have about what you are writing, diving deep by using the 4Es (examples, explanations, experiences, and evidence)!

3. Further comparing the results from the two self-assessments, write in depth about the area(s) in which you most want to continue improving. Remember the saying “If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.” With this idea in mind, identify the specific changes you’d like to make in your behaviors, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs in the months and years to come. By the way, if one of your scores went down over the semester, consider that this result may not indicate that you became less effective; rather, it may indicate that you are now more honest with yourself or more aware of what’s necessary to excel in this area.

4. Write one last entry in which you sum up the most important discoveries you’ve made in this course and plans for a great future. Dive deep!

When you’re finished, upload or share your journal entry. Then hit “Submit Now” to submit this assignment for grading.

Requirements: 2 1/2 paragraphs

Subject: Psychology

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