Write a 600-750 word essay using evaluation as the chief method of development.

Write a 600-750 word essay using evaluation as the chief method of development.

Evaluative Essay

Write a 600-750 word essay using evaluation as the chief method of development.

Use your own thoughts, observations, and/or experiences as the sources for this essay. Research is NOT required or expected for this essay.

Writing Assignment

Purpose: to persuade

Method of Development: evaluation

Choose your own topic, but make sure that you establish the judgment you are making about your topic somewhere in the introduction. The goal of an evaluative essay is to make some kind of value judgment. Your judgment should be based on a set of criteria: for instance, if you make a “judgment” that a specific restaurant is a bad one at which to eat, the “criteria” that you use to make the “judgment” might include slow service, noisy atmosphere, high prices, and poorly-prepared food.

With that in mind, one of the following topics may serve your purpose: a restaurant, a movie, a car, a vacation spot, or whether it is better to live in the country or the city, or whether it is better to live in a house or apartment. You will need to be specific about the topic: for instance, if you write about a restaurant or movie, you will need to name it. If you have something in mind but you are unsure if it will work as an evaluative essay topic, please send me a message through the Messages link for assistance.


  1. Brainstorm for topics.
  2. Accumulate as many details as you can about your topic, and then sift through them, discarding those that are irrelevant, weak, or unrelated to the impression you would like to convey.
  3. Organize your ideas.
  4. Use vivid language and varied sentence structure.
  5. You are writing nonfiction. Thus, it is understood that your judgment is your judgment and that not everyone will agree with that judgment.
  6. Include a formal alphanumeric outline with at least three levels of organization for the body paragraphs after the title but before the essay itself. (There is an example of this type of outline in the Learning Activities above)
  7. View the YouTube video, Writing an Evaluation Essay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a4GAGn5lGA for additional help.
  8. Check the syllabus for due dates.

Writing Approach

In this essay assignment, your goal should be to demonstrate the basis for your judgment: Why did you make the judgment you did about your topic? Provide your readers with an understanding of your decision-making process. You do not need to persuade everyone to hold your view, only that your view came about through sound reasoning. In any case, be aware of your audience (your classmates) and your tone, which should be relatively formal although first-person pronouns are acceptable. Your choice of words may greatly influence your reader’s impression of your topic. Be careful to present your topic as you would like it to be interpreted.

Important: Your paper will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. Plagiarized papers, whether intentional or simply due to ignorance will receive a total grade of zero. Read the following information on plagiarism https://www.plagiarism.org/ .

Requirements: 600-750 words MLA Heading   |   .doc file

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