Dr. Francis Delmonico believes that even a regulated human organ trade would be exploitative because “it’s the poor person who sells”

Dr. Francis Delmonico believes that even a regulated human organ trade would be exploitative because “it’s the poor person who sells


Assessment Description

Recall your readings in Topic 1 regarding human organ donation and sales. In the article, “Kidney Shortage Inspires A Radical Idea: Organ Sales,”


Dr. Francis Delmonico believes that even a regulated human organ trade would be exploitative because “it’s the poor person who sells” (Meckler, 2007). Answer the following questions:

  • Do you agree that allowing a poor person to sell an organ is an exploitative practice? Why or why not?
  • What documented examples from real-life organ donors can you provide to help you demonstrate how a regulated human organ trade would (or would not) be exploitative?
  • If you were writing your definition essay on the term exploitative, how would you define it?

You may revisit the Human Organ Donation and Sale Resource List from Topic 1 for resources. Be sure to cite all sources used to compose your answer. Format your in-text citations and reference list entry according to APA Style.

  1. Develop an argument using appropriate strategies for definitional argumentation.
  2. Identify and revise weaknesses in definitional arguments.
  3. Choose appropriate supporting sources, based on the purpose and audience for the argument.
  4. Document sources appropriately.
  5. Conduct a peer review of a definitional argument.


Assessment Description Chapter 2 of the textbook discusses two scenarios in which evidence may not meet some audience’s expectations. In the first scenario, two scientific studies are in conflict with each other In the second scenario, a child psychiatrist uses stories from his patients rather than statistics as evidence. Each case poses a problem regarding the use of evidence: We sometimes have difficulty reconciling conflicting pieces of evidence, and we are reluctant to see stories, rather than statistics, as valid evidence. In the essay that you are writing right now, what kinds of evidence have you found? In what way might it meet an audience’s expectations? Name the audience, discuss how it may meet–or not meet–the audience’s expectations, and explain why. Later in the week, compare your observations about evidence with those of your classmates.


 Revise the draft you wrote in Topic 2, utilizing the feedback from your peer review. Complete your revision in conjunction with the guidelines for the first draft assignment given in Topic 2.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Requirements: 2 discussions, essay

please note that all discussion topics are 200 words, and essays are 800-1000 words

Henry for Q3 is the same worksheet you made for the assignment, you reviewed Jacob, let’s use that same draft. No one reviewed my essay. So just edit my draft using the criteria given in the peer review worksheet.  My draft is Body Brokers in Organ Trafficking –  file attached

An effective reading strategy I employed is the SQ3R: a comprehension technique that encourages students to reflect on the text as they read. SQ3R, which is frequently referred to as a study technique, teaches learners how to read through materials and reason like effective readers in order to help them “get it” the first time they read a text.

Topic: Good Leadership

Direct Quote: “Many of the researchers have shown that exceptional leadership is cultivated through self-leadership. In other words, the leadership encompasses the person at the helm of decision-making” (Daud, 2020, p. 3).

Paraphrase: Numerous studies have revealed that self-leadership is a key component in the development of exceptional leadership. The person in charge of making decisions is included in the leadership, in other words (Daud, 2020, p. 3).


Daud, Y. M. (2020). Self-leadership and its application to today’s leader-A review of the literature. Strateg J Bus Change Manag8(1), 1-11. ISSN 2312-9492

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