The stories MIRRORBALL by Mary Gaitskill and LUST by Susan Minot look at relationships between men and women

The stories MIRRORBALL by Mary Gaitskill and LUST by Susan Minot look at relationships between men and women

compare and contrast the two stories below

LUST by Susan Minot:

MIRRORBALL by Mary Gaitskill:

prompt 1: The stories MIRRORBALL by Mary Gaitskill and LUST by Susan Minot look at relationships between men and women. Find interesting similarities and differences between these TWO stories, and explain how these similarities and differences illustrate similar and different concerns of the authors of the stories. please write around 800-900 words and include specific quotes from the short stories.


1. Find interesting, complex, nuanced points to make points that would not occur to a lazy reader of the stories. For example, the lazy reader probably thinks that Lust and Mirrorball, both present women characters who care too much, who rely too much on men for validation. That might be true, to an extent, but the characters in these stories also act in subtlety different ways that make them unique, and these differences point to the author’s different conceptions of women in relationships. So, while you can START your analysis with the obvious, lazy-reader idea, you should quickly pivot away from that idea and into your own, more nuanced, more complex idea. (and in some ways, of course, X and Y both feature women characters who rely too much on men for validation. But what is interesting to note in these stories is that… ”Your papers could start like that. Also, when you are looking at differences, remember to focus on subtle differences and not on obvious differences (for example that the stories take place in different cities and at different times). The lazy reader knows what is obvious. You have to be the teacher here, showing the lazy reader what is not so obvious, what they may have missed. THIS IS IMPORTANT PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND POINT OUT MORE COMPLEX IDEAS THAT A LAZY READER MISSED.

2., Do NOT summarize the stories. Your reader has already read them. Come up with interesting / subtle / nuanced / complex ideas, and then illustrate those ideas with examples or SHORT quotes from the stories (use only the best bits of quotes; never throw long quotes at a reader; it’s too much work for them). Generally, your paragraphs should have 3 parts to them. First, you tell the reader what your complex idea is. Then you will give examples from the story / stories that illustrate that idea. And then you will explain, in several sentences, how that idea is actually illustrated by the examples you just gave. In other words, it is not enough to bring the reader to the examples in the text that illustrate your idea. After you bring the reader to these examples, you have to explain them and how they prove / support your big / complex idea.

3., Speak deliberately and clearly, so you are easily understandable. I would suggest, after you finish your answers, that you read them to yourself, out loud, to make sure they make complete sense, that a general reader would understand them.

Prompt 2: In YOUR HEALING IS KILLING ME, why does Virginia Grise talk about her eczema? In other words, how does that condition help her to illustrate an idea she wants to talk about? What is that idea and how is it communicated to the reader in the rest of the play? link to the story: Hi professor! This is the second prompt of my final I already completed most of it but I just need you to make it more organized and expand more on the analysis portion. All the quotes and idea are there but it just needs to be worded better and be better explained! PLease also apply all the tips mentioned above to this short essay as well. Also please make sure to no plagarzie because my teacher is very strict and also he is a very hard grader so please put your best work! I really appreciate it. I will put what I have so far below in quotes:

“Society can often up find easy fixes to deep-rotted issues, but it is to a certain extent that these quick fixes can actually solve the issue at hand. In the play, “Your Healing Is Killing Me” by Virginia Grise, Virginia, the main character touches based on her skin condition known as eczema. While trying to find easy solutions to her problem, her body is being neglected due to her not being able to receive proper health care because she cannot afford it. In the short story, Virginian has tried several ways to get rid of her skin rash but nothing seems to work. She constantly experiences stress as she is trying to balance her full-time job as an artist while also trying to help her skin condition without proper health assistance. The first thing that Virginian tries in order to fix her eczema is by going to acupuncture. Virginia explains, “I go to the acupuncturist because I have eczema… Allergies, rashes, hives, itchiness, dryness around my mouth and eyes, cracked and bleeding skin” (36). This can be interpreted into society because society just wants us to solve the top layer of an issue instead of fixing the deeper cause. She goes to get acupuncture done because that is what society has made her convince is the right thing to do. She continues to find a solution for her eczema and goes to her Black market doctor. Virginia says, “My black market doctor in Texas would write me a prescription. Of what? I didn’t even care but it would relieve the itching, the open, bleeding sores on my face, in between my fingers, in the folds of my arms. The creams were over $100 a tube and they were the only thing that would stop the itching. I later found out that the medication had steroids in it, so many steroids it felt like I was on testosterone.” 37 While Virgnina had hoped that his cream would fix her dry and itchy skin, it only made it worse and was actually putting toxic chemicals into her body. Virginia was told by everyone that a simple cream would fix her issue, but that was simply not the case. She needed to find the root cause of her eczema which was the obscene amount of stress that she carried with her. This can go into a deeper issue in society about health care. Virginian mentions multiple times that she receives the cream for her eczema from a “black market doctor” that is located in texas. Since Virginia is not provided with sufficient health care from the government she has no other choice but to be dependent on a more affordable option. Virginia is desperate and feels like this black market doctor is the only person that can help her. As Virginia continues to use the creams, she realizes that they are only making matters worse and her body has now become reliant on the creams. This is important because it demonstrates how society will use things such as creams and natural remedies to fix an issue instead of finding the root cause. While Virginia is trying to make her eczema better, she cannot because it would require more money than she can afford. Additionally, Virginian feels like a well-known diet called the “Master Cleanse” will fix all of her problems, but, she is just digging a deeper hole and creating more problems for herself. While Virginia is explaining the side effects of the diet, she says, “My digestive system was supposed to be resting! Now I can’t eat foods high in acidity and citrus” (39). this shows how society will make new myths and trends to cover up deep-rooted issues. While she has been told that she might have a disease called Lupus, she covers it up and thinks that diets, acupuncture, and creams will solve all of her problems because that is what society is telling her. Virginia like many others does not have health insurance. She is raising issues by talking about her eczema and trying to find “easy” ways out of it but realizes that she can’t escape her problem. When Virginia is asked why she does not go to a doctor, she responds by saying, “I don’t have health insurance.” (40). This portrays that while Virgnina does want to seek medical help, she can’t because of how expensive and impractical it is to receive healthcare.”

Requirements: 800-900 words per prompt

Masters Literature

Please write me an amazing essay, I really apprectie your help!

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