Compare the experiences of the two employees (José and Paula). Which boss would you rather work for? Why?

Compare the experiences of the two employees (José and Paula). Which boss would you rather work for? Why?

Assignment Instructions

Book: Essential of Organizational Behavior, An evidence-based approach. ISBN: 9781071839928

Answer the following questions thoroughly. Provide language and evidence taken directly from the course and course concepts. Define all organizational behavior terms and explain all theories.

1. Compare the experiences of the two employees (José and Paula). Which boss would you rather work for? Why?

2. Think about the path-goal theory that was covered in this chapter and determine which leadership styles are exemplified in the two scenarios. Which ones should have been used?

3. What steps could Paula have taken to develop a higher-quality LMX relationship or “manage her boss” more effectively? Do you think this would have worked in this case?

4. What were the outcomes for each of the employees and companies in these two scenarios? Thinking about these outcomes, why is it important for organizations to have effective leaders?


Requirements: 2-3 pages or sufficient responses to each question

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Compare the experiences of the two employees

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