Evaluate a research article focusing on the conclusion, limitations, and recommendations

Evaluate a research article focusing on the conclusion, limitations, and recommendations

For this Performance Task, you will critically evaluate a research article focusing on the conclusion, limitations, and recommendations. All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring. Indicate which article you selected. Review the research article thoroughly, focusing on the results, conclusions, limitations, and recommendations. In your own words, summarize and critically evaluate each of these four sections. Describe at least one additional conclusion or recommendation that follows the results of the study. Then, develop recommendations regarding the application of these research results to professional practice. Your completed paper should be 2–3 pages in length.

Requirements: 2 to 3 pages plus reference page. Must include headings

Masters Nursing

This is the correction he provided for the pre-assessment work

This is an excellent assessment. However, you should utilize the template to organize your work, and have the subheadings (Results, conclusions, limitations, recommendations, and additional recommendations/conclusions) in a level 1 heading. For instance,


Blah! blah!! blah!!!

Thank you so much!

Use the same article you used for the preassessment. Do you need me to upload it here –  attached

Just use the info you used on the pre-assessment. He mostly liked the paper he just requested that you use the heading per the comment I posted previously.

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research article focusing

APA 1004 words

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