Is American pluralism more reflective of Plato’s or Machiavelli’s political philosophy?

Is American pluralism more reflective of Plato’s or Machiavelli’s political philosophy?

Is American pluralism more reflective of Plato’s or Machiavelli’s political philosophy? Explain your reasoning.

Your essay must be word-processed, composed according to MLA standards, and is limited to a maximum of 2 written pages, single spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins all around. Your heading should be restricted to one-line only listing your name (no other information is needed.) If utilized, “Works Cited” should be on a third page.

The essay should demonstrate mastery of the class material and is not to be an advocacy or opinion paper. It is not necessary to conduct outside research for this essay but, if utilized, all sources must be properly and fully cited. Plagiarism will result in a zero score on the entire midterm exam.

Requirements: 2 pages, single spaced

Subject: v

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political philosophy

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