Is NATO enlargement a good thing? Should Sweden and Finland’s applications for membership be approved by the alliance?

Is NATO enlargement a good thing? Should Sweden and Finland’s applications for membership be approved by the alliance?

Is NATO enlargement a good thing? Should Sweden and Finland’s applications for membership be approved by the alliance? Should Ukraine’s expressed wish to join NATO be respected? Or, is enlargement an unnecessary provocation against Russia? Is Russia justified in claiming that enlargement threatens its vital security interests?

If you believe that NATO enlargement is justified, explain why in the Enlarge NATO thread, supporting your argument with source-cited historical facts. If you believe that the enlargement is unjustified, explain why in the Contain NATO thread. In either case, post your essay no later than midnight on January 14, using source cited facts to support your argument. -> NO WIKIPEDIA

Respond to the postings of a least two other students, one from each of the two forums, no later than midnight on January 16. What are the strengths and shortcomings of the other students’ arguments? How might their arguments be strengthened?

Enlarge NATO

If you believe that the eastern expansion of NATO is a good thing, explain why by posting an essay in this thread.

Contain NATO

If you do not believe that the eastern expansion of NATO is a good thing, explain why by posting an essay in this thread.


Your Discussion postings are worth a maximum of 100 points each week. To earn an “A” (100-90 points), you must post thoughtful, relevant, well-written messages and respond effectively to the messages of the instructor and other students by each week’s deadline (see my expectations, below). You can post messages ahead of the deadlines if you wish. If you write a “perfect essay” and earn a perfect score each week and complete four weeks worth of threads, you’ll receive 400 points. If you only receive 360 points for the Discussions, you are still earning the overall grade of “A” for those assignments.


Because of the nature of this course, I have found that punctual postings and responses are critical to both the success of the course and the success of individual students. It is impossible for me to read and respond to several hundred messages and assignments in the last week of class. Therefore I have created a grading policy that rewards both the quality and punctuality of your responses and assignments.

About half of your Discussion grade will be based on the punctual completion of assignments. Thus, you could minimally fulfill the Threaded Discussion requirement (60 points) simply by turning in all of the assignments on time, assuming that your contributions demonstrate that you tried your best. Grades for threads submitted late will be penalized.

The rest of the Discussion grade will depend on the quality of your work. Your postings should be well written and clearly address the issues being discussed. I expect each writing assignment to have:

(1) A direct answer to the question posed;

(2) A Minimum of 500 words;

(3) College level English; and

(4) Source-cited, factual support for each claim in your essay. Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for academic essays; plagiarism will be penalized.

In addition, you must respond to the threads of at least two other students, one in each of the two weekly threads. Remember: each week there is a “pro” and a “con” thread. You must read posts in each of the two folders and respond to at least one post in each of the two threads by the deadline in order to receive full credit.

Your main Discussion posting should be approximately 500-600 words in length. Long, rambling, unfocused messages discourage readership and suggest fuzzy thinking. It is more difficult to express ideas in short essays than in long ones. In addition, your responses to the postings of other students must be thoughtful and demonstrate careful consideration of your colleague’s ideas. Responses like, “Nice job,” do not satisfy the requirements of this assignment. These responses must include a comment on a posting from each of the two weekly threads.


Subject: PHD Political Science

Hi, thank you so much! Please just make sure that nothing is plagiarized because y teacher is really strict about that. I appreciate your help.

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membership be approved by the alliance

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