Identifying and working with key stakeholders is a critical first step when considering whether to go forward

Identifying and working with key stakeholders is a critical first step when considering whether to go forward

Preferred Format: APA
Number of Sources: 2
Number of Pages: 1
PowerPoint slides:
Preferred Spacing: Double spaced
Your Topic: discussion question
Assignment Details: STAKEHOLDERS
Identifying and working with key stakeholders is a critical first step when considering whether to go forward in developing a proposal for program evaluation. For example, do the stakeholders seem to know what they want, or have you been given rather vague information? If you take on the project, will the stakeholders be available, and will they make information and other resources available to you? Will they pay you enough to make the project feasible to work on?
In this Discussion, share your initial thoughts on who your project’s key stakeholders are, as well as possible costs of taking on this project.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To prepare:

Review the checklists for engaging stakeholders and for developing and evaluating evaluation budgets at the Western Michigan University evaluation checklists website listed in this week’s Learning Resources.
Post your comprehensive response to each of the following:

Briefly describe to the class the project you and your team are working on for your RFP.
Considering the RFP you and your team members are reviewing, who would be the key stakeholder(s) for contracting with you for this program evaluation? Explain why the stakeholder or stakeholders were chosen.
Are there other key stakeholders to help you clarify needs, resources for evaluation, etc.? How would you go about identifying who these other key stakeholders may be?
What are your thoughts on how your team might estimate your costs for conducting the evaluation? What are some key expenses? What further information would you need to know to plan your expenses?

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Identifying and working with key stakeholders

APA 492 words

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