Investigate a nonprofit organization within your chosen field of study or an organization you’ve had experience with as a consumer

Investigate a nonprofit organization within your chosen field of study or an organization you’ve had experience with as a consumer

Module 4: Discussion Forum

Investigate a nonprofit organization within your chosen field of study or an organization you’ve had experience with as a consumer or employee, and analyze the relationship between leadership and organizational technology. How has leadership’s understanding of technology affected how the organization uses technology? Has this been a benefit or detriment to the organization? Before your research, would you have assumed that leaders supportive of technology would have better-incorporated technology into their organization? What did you learn from your research? Does it correspond with your experience?

In your responses to classmates, compare and contrast your chosen organizations.

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words and must be submitted by Thursday, midnight (MT), of this week. By Sunday at midnight (MT), respond to two or more of your classmates’ initial posts in one of the following ways:

  • Build on something interesting or provocative that your classmate wrote.
  • Explain why and how you see things differently.
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  • Share your understanding of your classmate’s posting in your words.
  • Offer and support an opinion with peer-reviewed sources or industry best-practices.
  • Expand on your classmate’s posting by providing constructive feedback.

Keep in mind that you’re expected to engage critically and not editorially (this is important to remember when we’re discussing “hot” or controversial topics). Work to demonstrate your understanding of the material from this module and, where necessary, include your sources, formatted and cited in accordance with APA style, according to the CSU Global Writing Center.

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Investigate a nonprofit organization

APA 365 words

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