Your research paper is to be an argumentative piece of writing on a topic of your choice

Your research paper is to be an argumentative piece of writing on a topic of your choice

Hello Hellen, I just sent an essay about gun law. Could you write about being against it?  Also, I need 6 sources but I have three already for you. If you could find any more about Tennessee about gun laws and how you’re against it that would be great.

Preferred Format: MLA

Number of Sources: 6

Number of Pages: 8

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced


Assignment Details:

Your research paper is to be an argumentative piece of writing on a topic of your choice. Having said that, however, I would rather you not write on the following topics: abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, animal testing, or second amendment rights. 

You will establish your stance on the issue early on in your paper and strive to sway your audience to side with you for the duration of your paper. Model your paper after Dr. King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (anticipating and addressing your audience’s various criticisms of your stance, then debunking those criticisms [as King does] via logos, ethos and pathos, thus strengthening your arguments).

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

8-10 pages (not including the W.C. page)
Information from a minimum of 6 sources.  You may use more than 6 sources if you wish. 
A Works Cited page in MLA format
Examples of properly cited quotes, paraphrases, and summaries (as per MLA documentation).
Format: Double-spaced, Times, New Roman, Font 10 or 12
Remember our discussions of logical, emotional, and ethical appeals.  (Be careful not to alienate your audience!)
Think about King’s essay,” Letter From Birmingham Jail”  as you construct your own essay.

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argumentative piece of writing on a topic of your choice

APA 2486 words

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