Assignment Details: Citizens as Agents of Moral Change

Assignment Details: Citizens as Agents of Moral Change

Your Topic: American Vision and Values

Assignment Details: Citizens as Agents of Moral Change
Specifically, for either of these assignments, students are to use and cite two external documents, at least one Primer (or provided article), the article by Oldenquist, Kluger, or Tomasellos, and an assigned reading article from a previous week. If you have questions, please ask.
Option One:
Subject to the note above, research the life and accomplishments of one of the following moral agents of change: Standing Bear. 
For this assignment, examine the life and actions of one of these individuals and then answer the following questions:
What value(s) did your research subject demonstrate?
How did this value help them become a moral agent of change?
What can we learn from this model citizen?
How can we use our choices and behaviors to set positive examples for others?
How might ordinary citizens become extraordinary moral agents of change?
750 Words, 3 References and In-Text Citations

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources:

Number of Pages: 3

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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Citizens as Agents of Moral Change

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