This writing assignment is designed for you to explain how regulations affect news coverage in a democracy

This writing assignment is designed for you to explain how regulations affect news coverage in a democracy

Your Topic: Repeal or Not to Repeal?

Assignment Details: Purpose: This writing assignment is designed for you to explain how regulations affect news coverage in a democracy. You will read about recent efforts to repeal media regulations that apply to libel. You will then explain how news might have been affected had libel regulations been modified.

Task: Follow the below instructions.

Choose of the following two recent efforts to repeal previous media regulations:
Repeal of Section 230: Part of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, Section 230 provides immunity to internet service providers for libelous comments posted by third-party users. A May 2020 news article by NPRLinks to an external site. tells more about the controversy surrounding Section 230.
Repeal of Actual Malice Standard: This Supreme Court precedent is applied in libel lawsuits concerning public individuals. However, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wanted to overturn the 1964 ruling from the noted New York Times v. Sullivan case. This March 2019 article from WKMSLinks to an external site. explains more about this controversy.
After reading about the proposed repeal you chose, state your position on whether the media regulation should remain or have been repealed.
Explain how the repeal might affect news coverage in a democracy. Would the repeal have served a public interest? Why or why not?
Find at least two other credible sources to support your position. These can include journal articles or even news articles from The Associated Press, NPR, The New York Times or other credible news organization. Fox News is not a credible source of news information. Blogs and commentary also are not to be used.
Write a response of approximately two pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. This page count does not include references.
Cite your sources appropriately according to APA style.
Criteria for success: The Information Literacy VALUE Rubric will be used to assess the quality of your written submission, with instructor feedback to be given in the rubric. The rubric appears below this assignment. After completing this assignment, you will have explained how regulations affect news coverage in a democracy.

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources:2

Number of Pages: 2

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Double spaced

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explain how regulations affect news coverage in a democracy

APA 611 words

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