Describe one significant law that you found most damaging to Mexican and Mexican-American communities in the American Southwest

Describe one significant law that you found most damaging to Mexican and Mexican-American communities in the American Southwest

Can you do this? 

For this weeks discussion, think about how the laws and practices of the American settlers were being used to create a narrative of Mexican Americans in the southwest, those that had remained on their land after the US Mexico war.

Using the readings and material in this weeks unit, be sure to provide quotes and evidence to answer the prompts. Your response should be approximately 6-8+ sentences that include evidence with citations. 

Answer the following prompts:

  1. Describe one significant law that you found most damaging to Mexican and Mexican-American communities in the American Southwest. Explain the law and what about the law made you choose it for discussion. (Useful material are the slides, The Law & Race, Ch. 1 Sanchez, or the videos.)
  2. Review, Chapter 1 from Becoming Mexican American. Using the video about Tiburcio Vasquez,what narrative was created about Mexicans & Mexican Americans and how where treated at this time? (Use quotes from the video)

In Chapter 2 of “Becoming Mexican American,” Across the Dividing Line, Sanchez talks about the border being a social construct.

  1. Explain his view of the border as a social construction & Discuss what the border region means for people on both sides of this social constructed line
  2. Respond to 2 of your peers using additional evidence from the material, readings, and videos. RUBRIC:
    1. Comments are relevant to the prompt and supported by analysis, synthesis of ideas, and use of multiple sources from the weeks material (range 1-5)
    2. Response to peers, relevant, thoughtful and use of evidence. (range 1-5)
    3. Each response is 6-8 sentences with a minimum of 2 pieces of evidence & quotes. (range 1-5)
    4. Overall response & submission on time (range 1-5)
    Each area has a range of 1-5.1-3 is minimum almost meeting expectation4- meeting expectation5- surpasses expectations

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 Mexican and Mexican-American communities in the American Southwest

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