What recommendation would you give to your sister about having a PAP smear? 

What recommendation would you give to your sister about having a PAP smear? 

Discussion Assignment Two- Pap smears, PSA testing, HPV vaccine

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Answer the related questions for both scenarios below.   Use no more than 300 words. Use Rubric below-  Assignment worth 25 Points.
Use your book, but also google an appropriate website (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Links to an external site.) American Cancer Society (Links to an external site.) or American Cancer Society (Links to an external site.)
National Institutes of Health (Links to an external site.)) to see information regarding Pap and/or Prostate exam and PSA levels so you understand the testing to do the assignment.

Part A.Now that you are in nursing school, your family and friends ask you questions about all types of health related concerns.  Your sister, age 25, wants to know how often she should get a Pap smear because she has only been to visit her gynecologist one other time and believes recommendations have changed.  Use the links below to address the following questions:
1.  What recommendation would you give to your sister about having a PAP smear
2.  What other education would be important for an individual of her age?
3.  How would this differ for your grandmother, age 80?  Which types of health education would you address with her?

American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Links to an external site.)
American Cancer Society (Links to an external site.)

Part B. Your father, age 60, has just had his annual physical.  They told him his prostate specific antigen test (PSA) = 8 ng/ml.  The normal value is anything under 4 ng/ml.  His doctor recommends a repeat screening.  In the meantime, your father wants to know about the research surrounding treatment of prostate cancer.

  1. What type of education would give to him?
    2.  What other factors can cause PSA levels to go up or down?

    American Cancer Society (Links to an external site.)
    National Institutes of Health (Links to an external site.)

Part C. Assignment- HPV Vaccine

Go to this website below and read about the HPV vaccine.

https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/infectious-agents/hpv/what-parents-should-know-about-the-hpv-vaccines.html (Links to an external site.)

Mrs. Smith has brought in her son and daughter to the office today for well exams. They are eleven years old twins. You ask Mrs. Smith if she has any questions during the visit after you have done your interview and examination. She states she has. Mrs. Smith states she has recently read that there is a vaccine to prevent the human papillomavirus (HPV). She states that she and several of her friends at church discussed this. She says her best friend, Rita, isn’t going to vaccinate their child or any of their children for the HPV vaccination because first, she has heard that after vaccination children have side effects like dizziness. Secondly she and her husband have decided that it promotes promiscuity in teenagers. Mrs. Smith is confused and she doesn’t know what to do for her own son and daughter. What would you tell her about the HPV vaccine? Include information on potential side effects, who should receive the vaccine, how many doses they need to get, and at what ages including what disease the vaccine potentially protects against.  Mrs. Smith is not sure if her insurance will cover the vaccine. Discuss the risks and benefits of receiving the vaccination for the individual who receives it, and for  the community

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 sister about having a PAP smear? 

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