Option A: Physical attendance of a cultural event

Option A: Physical attendance of a cultural event

Description: This assignment is a cultural event reflection. To complete this assignment successfully, the student must choose from one of two options:

Option A: Physical attendance of a cultural event

Option B: Virtually accessing a cultural event

After the student has chosen either option A or B, the student will compose a reflection essay that includes specifics of the event, the student’s response/critique (academic NOT personal), and a discussion of how the event demonstrates the cultural themes explored in the first week of classes.

Option A: Physical attendance of a cultural event

To complete this option, the student must attend a physical event held within the parameter of the semester.

Examples of acceptable cultural events:

  • Trips to museums or galleries
  • Musical concerts
  • Professional speakers and lecturers
  • Valencia held events (excluding academic services such as tutoring and workshops)
  • Conferences
  • Cons (ex. Mega Con)
  • Plays (high school and college plays are acceptable)

Items that cannot be used as cultural events:

  • Movies
  • Personal gatherings (e.g., clubs, groups, parties, social gatherings, etc.)
  • Sporting events
  • Regular, face to face class lectures
  • Theme parks, circuses, etc.
  • A trip to the mall
  • Conducted business (e.g., board meetings, organization staff meeting, etc.)

*Exceptions: Theme Parks can be used if the experience is being used to reflect on cultural significance or history and not the rides or park itself (e.g., Disney’s legacy and effect on local Florida culture, Harry Potter and its cultural significance, SeaWorld conservation efforts and the connection to environmental movements, SeaWorld’s Sesame Street and its impact on the American childhood or inclusion and diversity – such as its importance as an Autism certified area).

Option B: Virtually accessing a cultural event

To complete this option, the student must virtually attend an event held within the parameter of the semester.

Examples of acceptable cultural events:

  • Virtual Museum Exhibitions
  • Virtually accessed recorded concerts
  • Virtually accessed recorded professional speakers and lecturers
  • Virtually accessed recorded plays (i.e. a Broadway performance recorded on youtube)

Items that cannot be used as cultural events:

  • Movies
  • Personal recordings or virtual gatherings (e.g., family events, parties, social gatherings, etc.)
  • Virtually attended or previously recorded sporting events
  • Virtually attended or recorded class lectures
  • Virtually attended or recorded business meetings (e.g., board meetings, organization staff meeting, etc.)

Requirements: All reflections must be typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double spaced, with 1” margins. In this format, the reflections must be at least two full pages of content (i.e. to the last line of the second page without counting headings, images, extra spacing, or documentation). Also, all submissions must include on the last page an image of proof the cultural event was attended by the student during the semester. Proof can include: A selfie of the student at the event, a ticket stub, an email confirmation of payment, a picture of the student’s name in an entry log, or a picture of an item retrieved from the event (such as a brochure or map), or a screen shot of the virtual event attendance. Without this proof the reflection will score a zero!

Grading and Assessment: Any reflection not covering a cultural event attended by the student within the current semester will not be read or assessed and the paper will automatically score a zero. Additionally, reflections will be graded on the quality of the student’s reaction to the experience including the discussion of specific examples or points from the event, the student’s ability to follow all guidelines and requirements, the inclusion of the course themes, and the student’s ability to analyze in an academic, reflective manner.

*Rubric Note: Please Note that the first two categories on this rubric are for a separate, department assessment. Although successful papers should achieve these goals and they are good to aim for, you will not receive a specific grade or feedback on these categories.

Final Note: To receive a “C” or better the submission must be at least average work, which includes following all directions and requirements. Failure to follow all requirements will result in severe deductions and/or a failing grade. Additionally, this is a personal/academic reflection and not a review or research paper. Therefore, research and citation (beyond acknowledging what event you are referencing via title and giving credit to any lines or art pieces mentioned) is not expected. However, as with all work in the class, if the student chooses to do research and include other’s work then they must cite using appropriate MLA guidelines to earn credit! This paper is worth 100 points of the course total.

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