Assignment Details: COVID Vaccine Brochure/Narrative Rubric & Assignment

Assignment Details: COVID Vaccine Brochure/Narrative Rubric & Assignment

Your Topic: COVID Vaccine Brochure Assignment

Assignment Details: COVID Vaccine Brochure/Narrative Rubric & Assignment

The past 2.5 years have been like no others we have experienced in our lives. The novel coronavirus is now listed as killing over 1 million people in the U.S. since the pandemic began.  For this assignment you will create a brochure about COVID vaccination, either for or against. Your brochure should cover the following:

What is your stance? Should people be required to get the COVID vaccine? Yes or No?  You will need to do some research here to figure out how you feel about this, and support you arguments in the brochure.  Remember, you are trying to convince other people, they need facts.
Design your brochure.  There is room for some interpretation in scope here.  For example, some think there should be a federal mandate on vaccination for large employers or those using federal dollars, but maybe you want to limit your brochure to vaccines in schools. You get to decide that. You just need to make it very clear what you are advocating for.  As always,  there are arguments for both sides of any of these debates. You may choose either side, though the arguments for either are vastly different.  You will not be graded on the position you choose, only on the level of proficiency at which you presented it.
If you make a claim, there should be a reference to support it.
After creating your brochure, you will create a document (half a page or less) briefly indicating which theories, principles, and concepts you used in your document and where you used them. For example, many will use the safety of others for a reason to get a vaccine, this would be a utilitarian argument. You would need to include in the narrative what you said in your brochure that appeals to utilitarianism.  You have never seen a brochure that says something like “the utilitarian argument for (insert any intervention) is ……..”, so don’t do that now.

Be advised: as good practice, in making sure your reader understands you, you are going to need to address the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the situation at least briefly in your brochure. However, DO NOT turn in a brochure with these headings of who, what, when, where, and why. But this brochure should focus on the “why.”  There is a lot of room in this assignment for creativity. Use yours!  If you have any questions, please ask.


____Tri-fold brochure, 250 words minimum (make sure the panels are in the right spots, print it, and fold it)

____Demonstrated use of at least 2 ethical theories, principles or concepts

____Submission includes ½ page narrative

____Brochure written at a 5th grade level

____Submitted as a Word document (ex: .doc, docx)

____Includes 3 citations

____Appropriate graphics

Preferred Format: APA

Number of Sources:

Number of Pages: 2

PowerPoint slides:

Preferred Spacing: Single spaced

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COVID Vaccine Brochure/Narrative Rubric & Assignment

APA 251 words

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