This project or assignment will assist the student to advocate for patients and families to promote growth as human beings

This project or assignment will assist the student to advocate for patients and families to promote growth as human beings

13 year old girl, 9 year old boy. 3 bedroom townhouse, basement, 2.5 bath. Furnace and hot water heater not closed off. Outside, no hand rail. Smoke detectors working fine. No carbon monoxide detectors.

Assignment Objective This project or assignment will assist the student to advocate for patients and families to promote growth as human beings. This assignment will assist d co the student to differentiate both chronologic angnitive stages of development based on Erickson behavioral model. They will then identify both in the home environment and help the family to make the necessary changes to provide a s safe and unsafe issues afe home environment.

Assignment Directions 1. Identify a home environment with children. 2. Identify both chronological and cognitive ages of the child. 3. Give evidence that the child is or is not meeting milestones according to Erickson. 4. Include any children in evolution (Pregnant). 5. Assess your home for real and potential hazards for injury to the children within the home and any children that may enter the home 6. This assessment should include the home and property including anything or item on the property. area. 7. During your assessment you need to include the positive things that you note. 8. Identify both positive and negative issues. 9. After describing the safety concerns indicate the cost of eliminating the issue. 10. Indicate any resources in the community that may assist the you in this process. 11. Identify an appropriate nursing diagnosis, outcomes, and interventions 12. Suggestions (this is not an inclusive list): a) Alcohol b) Window bars c) Poisons — meds, cleaning products, storage d) Cords/blinds/cooking cords e) Hot water tanks f) Maintaining property/house g) Child care (instructions and numbers for sitters) h) Animals i) 911 and instruction

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assist the student to advocate for patients

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