Assignment Details: Unit 2: Assimilation and Pluralism: From Immigrants to White Ethnics

Assignment Details: Unit 2: Assimilation and Pluralism: From Immigrants to White Ethnics

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Assignment Details: Unit 2: Assimilation and Pluralism: From Immigrants to White Ethnics
Step 1: To practice using Gordon’s model of assimilation (and applying the concept), I’ve written some questions about immigrant assimilation experiences to consider. Sociologists document social patterns. Yet each of you has a unique family history of one form or another. Therefore, I’ve provided you with some options based on what’s most appropriate for you. Choose 1 of these 5 options – whichever best fits you – and write about what you might imagine you would find (write at least one paragraph with at least 5 sentences per paragarph) :

If you’re a third-or fourth-generation immigrant whose family came from Europe, you may be able to interview your grandparents or great-grandparents about your family’s assimilation experiences, which would make this exercise particularly meaningful, interesting, and fun. What might your family member tell you in regards to their assimilation experience?
If your family immigrated from somewhere else and you have older family members that you can interview (e.g. grandparents, great grandparents) ask them about their immigration experience.
Interview older people that you know such as teachers or neighbors.
Image what answers a third-or fourth-generation immigrant might say based on what you’ve  learned in this unit.
You may also use the internet to help you research what third-or fourth-generation immigrants might say about their immigration experience.
Part 2: Then, identify which part of Gordon’s model each question below tests. If you think of other questions that would fit, consider them as well. Place the letter of each questions in the appropriate row of the table/box below. Please create a Word document with your table filled out and upload that Word document or click here to download these instructions (with the table) in a Word document already made for you Download click here to download these instructions (with the table) in a Word document already made for you. For part 2, you only need to submit the table that is filled out. You do not need to submit answers to the questions below. Only submit the completed table.

A. What language did you speak at home when you were growing up?

B. What was your total household income last year?

C. (If married/partnered) Does your spouse/partner share your ethnic background?

D. Did your parents have the same ethnic background? How about your grandparents?

E. Did you vote in the most recent presidential election?

F. What percentage of your friends share your ethnic background?

G. What percentage of your friends share your religious faith?

H. What is the highest level of education you have achieved?

I. Has your family name been changed or Americanized? If so, what was the original name and what is became? How and why did that name change occur?

Stage   Items
Integration (secondary level)   
integration (primary level)     
Marital assimilation   
Choose an options from Part 1 (1-5) and write at least 1 paragraph (with a minimum of 5 sentences) AND fill out the table for Part 2. Submit your completed work for Part 1 and Part 2 in the same Word document. Upload that Word document to this assignment page.

I am a Black

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Assimilation and Pluralism: From Immigrants to White Ethnics

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