How does culturally competent (I) care improve the quality of care (O) in the minority population (P) compared to patient education (O)?

How does culturally competent (I) care improve the quality of care (O) in the minority population (P) compared to patient education (O)?

Final Reflection Letter for english class

This final assignment is a one-page, double-spaced, informal reflection letter to me about all the work that you’ve done throughout the course in the way of your own reading, researching, and writing skills.  No title page is needed for this letter.   

For this last assignment, I would like you to spend a few minutes reflecting on all of the reading, researching in the databases, critical thinking, and writing that you did this semester — I know it was a lot!!  You have come such a long way since the first week we met online with your writing, and I’d like you to talk a little bit about that process. Using the readings that are assigned on the importance of reflection as the context here, think back to where you were with your own reading and writing skills when you first entered the course and where you see yourself as a writer today, and areas you would still like to work on for the future.

Discuss how you feel you have progressed as (1.) a critical reader/thinker, (2.) a researcher, and (3.) as a writer over the semester and, finally, (4.) what you have learned specifically from the sources you’ve read in regards to your own topic and how might you use this information in the future or in your everyday work as a nurse.  Be sure to touch on all four points and see the details/questions below for more help.

Again, you do not need to create a title page for this assignment; just be sure to put your name at the top or bottom of your letter and provide a detailed response with an example or two from your own writing, and in making some connections to the readings on Reflection that you’ve read. If you quote a passage from the article, be sure to use quotation marks and cite the page number.  You do not need to create a References page for this assignment.This is more of an informal writing assignment as it is a letter to me and personal in nature, so feel free to use the first person “I” in this assignment; however, be sure to provide a detailed and thoughtful response and proofread and spell check your letter for grammar errors and correct sentence structure as you would any assignment.  You might even refer back to the first few readings and your thoughts when you began the course.  Here are some questions that might help you begin to think about yourself as a reader and writer today:

What are some of the reading, writing, and researching skills that you learned from this class?  How did the readings and/or the discussions with your peers help you to think about writing or about nursing issues today?  Were there any reading, writing, and critical thinking skills that you feel you’ve improved on the most with all of the work you’ve done this semester? (I know I’ve seen a lot from all of you!).  How have you progressed in your knowledge about APA and the citing of sources?  What did you learn in regards to your own research topic/question that you worked on throughout the semester and how do you think this knowledge will help you as a nurse as you continue on with your education and/or in the place where you work today?  

These are just some questions that might help you begin your response to this assignment and, of course, you should be thinking about the Epp reading as well as you make connections to your own reflections on your writing process.  You may think of other areas you wish to talk about in reflecting on your progress as a reader and writer so far within the program as well! Reflecting on your own writing processes is an important part of the entire writing process and this will be something that will be asked of you in various ways throughout the rest of the program!

Research question: How does culturally competent (I) care improve the quality of care (O) in the minority population (P) compared to patient education (O)?

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How does culturally competent (I) care improve the quality of care (O) in the minority population (P) compared to patient education (O)?

APA 331 words

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