In the corn articles and videos, what sticks out to you? What seems to be the most interesting idea from the information that caught your attention?

In the corn articles and videos, what sticks out to you? What seems to be the most interesting idea from the information that caught your attention?

o Receive full credit, you will to write at least 150 words.

For an extra point on your posts, you can record audio or video: each must be at least 1 minute and 30 seconds to receive extra point.

Look for the Rubric on the Upper Righthand Corner and click show Rubric.


The domestication of corn allowed for the rise of Mesoamerica. Its grand cities were built upon the foundation that these city-states were able to control resources from water to food, in this case corn. The domestication of corn throughout the centuries has given rise to social and political problems.

Address the following question:

In the corn articles and videos, what sticks out to you? What seems to be the most interesting idea from the information that caught your attention? Explain it to the class. Why did it pique your interest?

Remember to Reply to at least two other students in the class.

For a 2 point extra credit, you can record using audio or video to make your response. Look for the audio or video button. It looks like a filmstrip (when you place the cursor over the film strip, it shows RECORD/UPLOAD MEDIA)

include 2 APA References

Answer preview for the paper on ‘In the corn articles and videos, what sticks out to you? What seems to be the most interesting idea from the information that caught your attention?’

In the corn articles and videos, what sticks out to you?

APA 352 words

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