Discussion 3: The World and Its Cultures and Religions

When looking at the world today (e.g., news sites, social media, etc.) do you see people similarly type casting or disengaging from different religions and cultures?

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For this Discussion, respond to one of the prompts listed below and respond to at least two peers. 


Background: This discussion on World Religions took us all around the globe. We examined cultural practices in China, Western Europe, The Americas, Arabian Peninsula, and India. Today, more than ever we are a globally connected world, but sometimes we still can’t fully see that or appreciate it until we personally address it. One way we have addressed more recently is with the advent of home DNA testing (e.g., Ancestry.com or 23andme). Genetic testing can remind us, or even open our eyes, to how diverse we are. For example click here to watch this:DNA test videoLinks to an external site..

After watching the video, consider this prompt…

Prompt: What kind of transformations did you see in the video? When looking at the world today (e.g., news sites, social media, etc.) do you see people similarly type casting or disengaging from different religions and cultures? Why do you think that is? Finally, one person interviewed at the end said she was going to sound a little severe but she though this should be “compulsory.” Do you think she is right to think this would have a dramatic effect and that as more people engage in this type of testing more openness to World religions could be a result? 

Prompt B: Can We Digitally Diagnose Religion?

Background: Currently, it seems like technology is ever present and technology is claiming it can do more and more stuff for us like control lights and music in our homes and eventually, one day, fully drive our cars. Also, people are engaging more and more in technology to add meaning to their lives through social media. While originally this was a way to tell others about you, it has also become a way for technology to inform you of who you are. How many of us have seen quizzes claiming our devices can tell us our personality types, the color of our auras, our animal representation, our patronus, which lightsaber color we should have, What song represents our lives, etc. But can a computer tell us what religion we should identify with? There is a quiz called the “Belief-O-Matic” that claims it can. By answering a series of questions and ranking their importance it can tell you your actual religion and closest matches (or so it claims anyway). 

For this topic, take the belief-o-matic quiz linked hereLinks to an external site.

*Please Note: At the end of the quiz it asks for your email to send you the full results. You may provide your email if desired, or you can answer just based off the supposedly “accurate” final result the quiz provides. If you choose to provide your email, you do so at your own risk.

Prompt: Do you believe the quiz correctly identified your religion? If you chose to get them, do you feel the “closest matches” were accurate? Why or Why not? Did you learn anything new about yourself or other religions by taking this quiz? In the end, do you believe an online quiz can accurately assess someone’s religious values? Why or Why not?

Expectations for Initial Post:

  • You must post your answers first in order to view other posts from your colleagues.
  • In your initial post, identify which prompt you are addressing (but you do not need to include the question). Give specific examples to justify your response. For your initial post, the minimum word count is 200 words. You must post your initial answer by Fri. 2/17 at 11:59 pm. If you do not make the initial post by the deadline, you will not be able to earn credit for that part of the discussion post grade.
  • I am expecting a college-level answer

Expectations for Peer Responses:

  • After posting, read through your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Note: You do not have to respond to the same prompt you wrote on. Discuss across the board and have fun engaging each other in a respectful way.
  • For each peer response, the minimum word count is 50 words. Please note that “I agree” or “Good Point” are not sufficient for a peer response. Describe what you have learned and build upon what you know, including details on something that may have been missed in the peer’s initial post. Your responses to your colleagues are due by Sun. 2/19 at 11:59 pm. 

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 do you see people similarly type casting or disengaging from different religions and cultures?

APA 305 words

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