What do you think is the true nature of justice? Do you think that legal justice and Justice are connected?

What do you think is the true nature of justice? Do you think that legal justice and Justice are connected? Why or why not?

Discussion 2: Greek Philosophy

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First, read the excerpt of Plato’s Ring of Gyges and the accompanying discussion on the following website Links to an external site.. Then read the prompts below. For this Discussion, respond to one of the following prompts. Your answers should be well thought out & academic in nature. Also, please reference specific facts or examples to help prove your point.

After posting your initial response by Friday 2/3 at 11:59 pm, reply to at least two of your colleagues by Sunday 2/5 at 11:59 pm

Prompts: (Respond to only 1 of these prompts)

A) What do you think is the true nature of justice? Do you think that legal justice and Justice are connected? Why or why not?

B) Do you think absolute power corrupts absolutely? Is justice only something humans submit to out of need? Or, do you believe you would act justly even with incredible powers?

C) Pick one other figure or writing discussing the nature of justice and compare them to Plato’s perspective? Do they agree? do they disagree? Who do you tend to side more with? Possible example Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birmingham Letter

Expectations for Initial Post:

  • You must post your answers first in order to view other posts from your colleagues.
  • In your initial post, identify which prompt you are addressing (but you do not need to include the question). Give specific examples to justify your response. For your initial post, the minimum word count is 200 words. You must post your initial answer by Friday 2/3 at 11:59 pm. If you do not make the initial post by Friday, this part of the discussion will not receive a grade.
  • I am expecting a college-level answer with correct grammar, capitalization, and spelling (note that you will lose points if your posts/replies do not meet this requirement). **See attached rubric

Expectations for Peer Responses:

  • After posting, read through your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of them.
  • For each peer response, the minimum word count is 50 words. Please note that “I agree” or “Good Point” are not sufficient for a peer response. Describe what you have learned and build upon what you know, including details on something that may have been missed in the peer’s initial post. Your responses to your colleagues are due by Sunday 2/5 at 11:59 pm. 

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What do you think is the true nature of justice?

APA 305 words

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