Create a 5-10 minute video that focuses on the technology used at a relevant health care practice setting.

Create a 5-10 minute video that focuses on the technology used at a relevant health care practice setting.

Create a 5-10 minute video that focuses on the technology used at a relevant health care practice setting.


As a DNP-prepared nurse, you will lead initiatives to maximize the power of informatics now and in the future. It is incumbent upon you to be aware of and be able to articulate and explain the role of technology and informatics within the context of personal, team, and organizational practices, as well as patient outcomes. Important concepts, tools, and policies that you will need to be familiar with include:

  • The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.
  • The genesis, implementation, and use of the electronic health records (EHRs).
  • Meaningful Use Standards.
  • The current Cures Act.

This assessment will provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of how the above, and other considerations, impact decisions and practices within the context of a health care environment or organization which you are familiar. By examining how an organization is currently using health care informatics and technology, you will better be able to understand its benefits and areas for potential improvement. This will, in turn, equip you to be a more effective practitioner in the future.

Note: The assessments in this course build on one another; keep this in mind as you select a health care organization or practice environment to focus on. This assessment will prepare you for selecting a topic that you will use throughout the other assessments in this course.


In preparation for this assessment, you may wish to look at the following for some ideas about workflows, settings, and/or technology/informatics. These sites provide information about how informatics/technologies are employed to positively impact patient safety, process optimization, and quality. They present step-by-step guidance and offer case studies in a variety of practice types.


In this first assessment, create a 5–10 minute video using Kaltura or similar software, exploring the overall technology usage in your current institution, an institution you have previously worked, or an institution that you hope to work with in the future. The context of the technology usage you are reporting on should specifically relate to your practice setting (for example, acute care facility, primary care office, or academic setting) within the institution as a whole.

If you need more guidance on recording a video with Kaltura, visit Using Kaltura.

Additionally, submit a written APA-formatted transcript of your video, as well as a diagram of your workflow redesign. Think of this as an opportunity to script out what you want to say ahead of time. This is good practice for the future when you may be making presentations or speeches via video call and where presenting yourself as knowledgeable, professional, and polished will be important.

Overall, your assessment will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Analyze the benefits of the chosen technology that has been implemented within the context of a specific practice setting.
    • What are the benefits of the specific technologies/informatics implemented in your practice setting?
  • Explain what are perceived to be the obstacles to utilizing the chosen technology within a specific practice setting, noting generalized examples from a single viewpoint or stakeholder.
    • What do you perceive are current obstacles to use of these technologies/informatics within your setting?
  • Create a workflow for the usage of the chosen technology within a specific practice setting.
    • How would you redesign the workflow (execution of a series of tasks) because of the technology/informatics usage within the context of your chosen practice setting?
  • Convey purpose in a well-organized video presentation, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
  • Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

You may use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] to help guide your structuring and formatting of this assessment.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact Disability Services at to request accommodations.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Length: A 5–10 minute video, written transcript of the video, and workflow diagram.
  • References: 2–4 scholarly or professional resources, no more than five years old.
  • APA format: Written transcript should follow current APA style and formatting, which also must include an APA-formatted reference list. Review the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for guidance.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Defend the selection of a technology to meet the needs of a health care organization.
    • Analyze the benefits of the chosen technology that has been implemented within the context of a specific practice setting.
    • Create a workflow for the usage of the chosen technology within a specific practice setting.
  • Competency 2: Evaluate technology and its effect within a health care organization.
    • Explain what are perceived to be the obstacles to utilizing the chosen technology within a specific practice setting, noting generalized examples from a single viewpoint or stakeholder.
  • Competency 4: Address assessment purpose in a well organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Convey purpose in a well-organized video presentation, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

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Create a 5-10 minute video that focuses on the technology used at a relevant health care practice setting.

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