Know that when we talk about products offered by a business we are talking about actual goods, services, and ideas. Consider the following products:

Know that when we talk about products offered by a business we are talking about actual goods, services, and ideas.

Know that when we talk about products offered by a business we are talking about actual goods, services, and ideas. Consider the following products:

  • Coca-Cola Classic
  • Apple iPhone
  • Nike basketball shoes
  • L’Oreal Shampoo
  • Pick one of these products, identify two competitors, and discuss what it is they offer that competes with your product.
  • For the product you selected, describe the unique selling proposition (USP). How is your product superior to the competitors you identified?

Discussion Response Requirements

For all of the course discussions, there are no right or wrong answers. You are simply responding to questions in your own words. Do not copy and paste content from the web. This is a violation of Strayer’s Academic Integrity policy.

  1. Respond to the discussion with at least four good sentences for each bullet point. Make sure you address all points of each bullet.
  2. Reply to at least one classmate with at least four full substantive sentences.

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Know that when we talk about products offered by a business

APA 316 words

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