Option #2: Identity Development in Adolescence: Gender Dysphoria

Option #2: Identity Development in Adolescence: Gender Dysphoria

Important! Read First

Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.

Option #1: Identity Development in Adolescence: People with Disabilities

According to Erikson’s theory, identity development is an important process for adolescents; failure to establish identity during this stage can lead to role confusion and lack of a strong sense of self in adulthood (Kail Cavanaugh, 2019). How is identity development impacted when the individual has an intellectual, or learning, disability? Read Identity development in people with mild intellectual disability: A short-term longitudinal study  Links to an external site., which describes a research study in Poland that investigates this question in adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities. Find at least two additional journal articles about the impact of disabilities on identity development. In your paper, address the following topics:

  1. Begin your paper with a discussion of Erikson’s theory of identity development.
  2. Describe how you might expect identity development to be different in people with an intellectual disability.
  3. What was the hypothesis in the article by Rekosiewicz, and what did the study find? What influence might culture have had on the identity development of the Polish research subjects?
  4. What conclusions did you come to about identity development in individuals with disabilities?


  • Format your paper and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center  Links to an external site..
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages long; remember that cover pages,abstracts and bibliographies (and any images you use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library  Links to an external site.is a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment grading rubric for grading details.

Option #2: Identity Development in Adolescence: Gender Dysphoria

According to Erikson’s theory, identity development is an important process for adolescents; a failure to establish identity during this stage can lead to role confusion and lack of a strong sense of self in adulthood (Kail Cavanaugh, 2019). How is identity development affected when the individual has gender dysphoria? Read ” Your child says she’s trans. She wants hormones and surgery. She’s 13  Links to an external site.” that describes Claire’s journey as an adolescent who questioned her gender identity. Find at least two additional journal articles on the impact gender dysphoria has on identity development. Please note – this is a recognized controversial topic and as such, you are expected to approach this situation with a scientific mind. Avoid editorializing by making use of the course material. In your paper, address the following topics:

  1. Begin your paper with a discussion of Erikson’s theory of identity development.
  2. Discuss what is meant by the term “gender dysphoria.” How does it compare with being transgender? What medical interventions are available for people with gender dysphoria? How might parents and schools support individuals whose gender identity may be in question or who identify as a gender other than the one they were born with?
  3. Describe how and why you might expect identity development to be different in people with gender dysphoria.
  4. What conclusions did you come to about identity development in individuals with gender dysphoria?


  • Format your paper and cite following APA guidelines according to the CSU Global Writing Center  Links to an external site..
  • Your paper should be 3-4 pages long; remember that cover pages,abstracts and bibliographies (and any images you use) do not count in the required page length.
  • Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in. The CSU Global Library  Links to an external site.is a great place to find your sources! Take advantage of the research guides, the Writing Center, and each access to a librarian.
  • Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment grading rubric for grading details.

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