complete a developmental history on a current child or adolescent client

complete a developmental history on a current child or adolescent client

Using Webb Chapter 4 as a guide along with class notes & instructions, complete a developmental history on a current child or adolescent client using the following outline – draft due before Class 4 (Final due Class 5): Submit twice – once on Brightspace & also share as a google doc with Dr. Watson so that I can edit your draft.

  • Identification & description of child & family
  • Presenting Problem
  • History of Problem
  • Family Background
  • Specific Developmental History/Milestone
  • School History
  • Risk & Protective Factors
  • Current Functioning
  • Skill Deficits (list 3 & complete the following sub-headings for each skill deficit: Behavioral, Emotional, Interpersonal, Physiological, Cognitive)
  • Clinical Formulation

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complete a developmental history

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