Consider Judaism’s many festivals and holidays, each with a particular emphasis and practice

Consider Judaism’s many festivals and holidays, each with a particular emphasis and practice

Disscusion A

Consider Judaism’s many festivals and holidays, each with a particular emphasis and practice. Observing these times with others creates a deep sense of belonging and a connection with an ancient tradition. These practices help shape identity and bring people to the realization that they are part of something much larger than themselves. Certainly, one cannot know what it is like to be part of a practicing Jewish community from the outside. But perhaps those of us on the outside might review celebrations and practices that serve a similar function in our lives. How could you enhance or develop them further?

Disscusion B

How do Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform branches of Judaism differ today? Include in your discussions specifics about their views on the Torah and Jewish identity.

Requirements: 1 paragraph each 200 words   |   .doc file


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Consider Judaism

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