Evaluate the utility of NSC-68 (1950) as a guide for the United States in its current approach to strategic competition

Evaluate the utility of NSC-68 (1950) as a guide for the United States in its current approach to strategic competition

Evaluate the utility of NSC-68 (1950) as a guide for the United States in its current approach to strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China.

The strategy articulated in NSC-68 is an example of an effective ends-ways-means-risk analysis. In ISS-601S you wrote a short draft to analyze the lessons that can be learned from NSC-68. In this course you will apply the ends-ways-means-risk model to develop a national security strategy towards the PRC.

  • Click here Actions for excerpts from NSC-68.
  • Click here for the Indicative Content for this assignment (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statement….)
  • Length: 1600 words.
  • Include appropriate attribution per the Global College Style Guide when the ideas or language of others is referenced
  • Class – based on previous courses, I thought it might be helpful to provide some points to ponder as you write your essays.
  • – The best essays will consider all elements of strategy – interests, objectives, means, ways, and risk. Avoid the temptation to jump right into the ways and means. The interests and objectives are paramount to set the foundation to have ways and means that are meaningfully linked and integrated towards the end state (objective)
  • – Avoid the temptation to spend too much time on background…I know the scenario and I know how strategy flows from the NSS to the NMS…spend your limited space on the strategy itself!
  • – Take another look at the AU Style Guide and actual essay requirements. Consider your paragraph construction, grammar, citation construction, use of endnotes (and the format of them), length, analysis, elevation of strategic concepts, etc.
  • – While there are no minimums for citations, you MUST cite anything you assert as a fact. And you must cite more than just course material.
  • – Also….DO NOT simply put whole sentences/phrases from a source document UNLESS you (1) put quotation marks around it, AND (2) cite it. Plagiarism has caught several of your predecessors and you don’t want to go there.
  • – BUT…balance the need to cite with the need to leave room to demonstrate critical thinking and analysis. Overly long quotes, or too many quotes, may take up valuable space in your paper.
  • – Look at the overall length of the essay (1600 words). While I accept minor deviations from the centerline, an essay that is too short may not meet the academic rigor required in the course. Likewise, a paper that is too long will work against you…typically in this case I pick a point just after the max word count and stop reading/grading. Anything after that is not accounted for to keep a level playing field for those that operated within the ROE.

Requirements: 1700 words

Masters Political Science

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strategic competition

APA 1866 words

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