Identify the public health issue that interests you. Briefly explain this issue in terms of its significance and relevance to public health.

Identify the public health issue that interests you. Briefly explain this issue in terms of its significance and relevance to public health.

Marketing and advertising campaigns are designed to change buying behavior. Can communications campaigns change health behaviors? Can they dissuade poor behaviors (such as smoking) and encourage ones that promote better health (incentivize better eating habits)? While marketing campaigns have a history of success with broad scope, can a public health communications campaign hope to reach beyond individuals to impact communities or even entire nations?

In this Discussion you will identify various factors related to your selected public health issue. You will also evaluate these factors and consider which can be impacted by a public health communications campaign.


  • Review the module Learning Resources.
  • Consider the content and aims of public health communication campaigns.
  • Review the MADD website, and consider the different elements of the No More Victims campaign.
  • Review several other public health campaigns listed in the Learning Resources. Note: You do not need to read all of the information in all campaigns.
  • Consider a public health issue that interests you:
    • Review the Leading Health Indicators in Chapter 2 of the Parvanta, Nelson, and Harner textbook (Table 201, Page 21)
  • Many health issues have factors that may be influenced by behavior change. These are identified as risk factors (e.g., smoking is related to many types of illnesses) or preventive factors (e.g., increased walking may improve blood sugar levels in Type II diabetes). Using peer-reviewed journal articles, research the main risk and preventive factors (social, individual, environmental, etc.) that may be affecting this problem. The Walden Library is a great place to begin your research. Module 2 will include a more in-depth literature review of the public health issue and the population most affected.
  • BY DAY 4 OF WEEK 1

Post a comprehensive response to the following (4–5 paragraphs):

  • Identify the public health issue that interests you. Briefly explain this issue in terms of its significance and relevance to public health.
    • This will be the health issue you plan to use throughout the course and in your Scholar Practitioner Project.
    • Note: The Instructor may ask you to revise or refine your public health issue of choice and will make the final approval in the grading rubric, so be sure to review the Instructor feedback you receive.
  • Identify and briefly describe five to six (5–6) risks and preventive factors (social, individual, environmental, etc.) that may be related to this problem. There may be genetic or biological factors, psychological factors, behaviors, factors in the physical environment (e.g., a lack of transportation, unsafe parks), and factors in the social environment (e.g., social support, or policy). You may want to think of these as direct and indirect factors, and as risk and protective factors.
  • Evaluate at least three of these risks and preventative factors in terms of their significance. Which of these can be influenced by a public health communication campaign?
  • Think about the steps to planning a campaign, and describe one potential challenge of developing a campaign for your public health issue and explain one way you might address the challenge.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and other scholarly literature. References: You should support your work with evidence from scholarly resources that are current (e.g., less than five years old). However, there may be times when it is appropriate to cite seminal papers that helped shape the field of public health. Properly cite/reference using APA 7th edition.


Subject: masters Global Health

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Identify the public health issue

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