Obesity is increasingly being identified as a significant threat to health. Outline the causes of this modern epidemic

Obesity is increasingly being identified as a significant threat to health. Outline the causes of this modern epidemic


Obesity is increasingly being identified as a significant threat to health. Outline the causes of this modern epidemic and evaluate three practical measures which could help to address the issue.

Essays must be submitted as Word documents (not pdfs). All essays should include a cover sheet, to be downloaded from the shared canvas course, “assessment” section.

Your name should appear on the cover page only. Your name must not appear on any other page of your assignment. Please use page numbers and add your student ID number to every page (but NOT your name). Pease do not use any other headers or footers.

Font: Times New Roman Spacing: 1.5 Font size: 12 pt.

Length: 1500 words. +/- 10 per cent

Requirements: 1500 words   |   .doc file


A resource list is provided for the essay title and can be accessed via Canvas. You are expected to use most of these sources. In addition, you are required to find at least 4 appropriate sources independently.

You must reference appropriately any source materials used and provide a List of References (i.e. a list of the works you have cited or made reference to in your text).



I have attached the outline that I did for this essay, which didn’t get very good feedback from the professor. But I have included it for your reference.

Feed Back: Good effort, Hamdan, but overall, the outline is quite brief. You do provide an overview of the causes and practical measures you will discuss. However, there is a lack of information on the arguments and supporting points you will present in each paragraph. You also refer to very few sources; the essential source is not mentioned and you only draw on one of the recommended sources. You should read and use additional sources for your essay and develop your reference list. Also, most importantly, a key part of the essay question is not addressed: ‘evaluate three practical measures’. You should explain each practical measure and discuss its effectiveness.

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Obesity is increasingly

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