How did they deal with factions within their own party and with the opposition in the house of Congress in which they serve

How did they deal with factions within their own party and with the opposition in the house of Congress in which they serve

Your focus for the paper is the leadership style, successes and shortcomings of Senator Dianne Feinstein. While a certain amount of biographical background is necessary – how and when was this person elected to Congress; what are the characteristics of their state or district; what are the policy issues on which they have focused during their career; what was their route to the leadership role they play – the assignment is to look at their skill and style as a leader.

  • What challenges did they face?
  • How did they deal with factions within their own party and with the opposition in the house of Congress in which they serve(d)?
  • How did they represent the interests of their members in dealing with the other house of Congress, the president, interest groups or others, and what were the major political or policy challenges they faced as leaders?

You may use a book on Senator Feinstein’s career as a starting point for the research; you must demonstrate independent research skills as well. You can find additional research materials in the citations from the main book you are using or you can find sources on your own. There is no mandatory number of sources but I would generally expect 8 in a paper of this size.

Please be very careful about your writing, e.g., run-on or fragment sentences, improper punctuation or paragraphs, spelling and capitalization errors (House, Senate, Democrat, Republican, for example, are always capitalized). Do not use the subject’s title and first name after the first mention; the last name is sufficient. Be careful to properly use quotations and to avoid inadvertently copying information from a source without a proper citation; plagiarism rules are very strict in the UC system. Keep direct quotes very brief; instead, explain the phrase in your own words rather than just repeat what someone else has already said or written.

Footnotes or endnotes can be used; you can use either a number or a short name/reference word in the text to direct the reader to the note. Include a bibliography of all sources used.

double space; 8 full pages of text; pages numbered.

Requirements: Double spaced 8 full pages of text

Political Science

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house of Congress

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