How do you see regional societies developing in Chapters 8-12? Consider how ideas andcultural interactions from this era

How do you see regional societies developing in Chapters 8-12? Consider how ideas and cultural interactions from this era

Essays and Reflections III (Chapters 8-12)

For this assignment you will write one essay on a broad question:
How do you see regional societies developing in Chapters 8-12? Consider how ideas and
cultural interactions from this era have contributed to our world.
To answer the question, please do one of these options:
Option I: Standard essay with about five pages of writing. Pictures are encouraged but not required in
this option. If you use pictures, what you write about the pictures will count toward the pages.
Option II: Illustrated essay with about eight paragraphs of writing and at least six pictures. In this
option, make sure the pictures and the writing work closely together and reinforce each other. (You
might want to start by finding pictures; then write your essay around what the pictures represent.)
Use information related to the reading handouts for Chapters 8-12. Please use at least four of those
chapters, and aim for about three key items from each chapter. You may also use material from the
Intro to Part 2, where the authors make generalizations about regional societies.
When you use key terms from the reading handouts please put them in bold. To use a handout question
that doesn’t have any bold, you may make bold a few words from the question.
In addition to the main narrative in the textbook, please use material from at least three special feature
sections, such as Reading the Past, Seeing the Past, or Lives and Livelihoods. (These are listed under
Special Features for each chapter in the table of contents for your textbook.) Please highlight the title of
the special material, or a few descriptive words, with the color of your choice.
Please write in short to medium-sized paragraphs. In your first paragraph, please provide an
introduction with a general statement about the broad changes you are discussing in your essay.
In your last paragraph, provide a conclusion to tie the essay together. Give the reader one or two
insights to walk away with. Tell how the material enriches our lives or helps us understand our world.
You want to share information from our reading (with page numbers), but you do not need to use direct
quotes. An occasional quote could be helpful, but please use quotes sparingly.
When you use special sections, it often helps to quote a document from the past. Please be clear on
whether you are quoting the actual document or the textbook author’s comments about the document.

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cultural interactions from this era

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