How does the bottom-up approach help in understanding subsistence marketplaces for Business For Good?

How does the bottom-up approach help in understanding subsistence marketplaces for Business For Good?

Grand total of 600 words: 200 words per part; there are three (3) parts to this assignment. (PLEASE BE CLOSE TO THE WORD COUNT ASKED FOR BY PROVIDING THE NEEDED DETAIL). Please use your own words, avoid quoting others, and avoid using bullet points. Please create a narrative and answer all the detailed questions asked, using the material referred to.

Part 1 – Total 3 videos: Watch one (1) Immersion Exercise, one (1) 360 View video, and one (1) Day-in-the-Life video (all links under Content for Week 1).

– What insights did you develop about subsistence marketplaces from watching these videos?

– What did you learn about the needs and drivers for the people in the videos you watched, in the context of your group project?

Link your response explicitly to the videos.

Part 2 – Reading – “Bottom Up Design for Subsistence Marketplaces.” (Link to Book Chapter)

– Articulate what you learned about the bottom-up approach from the reading.

– Articulate how the bottom-up approach is incorporated Part 1 and 2 above and in developing the problem/opportunity and solution for the group project (be specific).

– How does the bottom-up approach help in understanding subsistence marketplaces for Business For Good?

Refer to the reading and to Parts 1 and 2 above.

Part 3 – The Business of Building A Better World by Audrey Selian

Describe what you like best about the book and what you learned.

Describe how you will use what you learned in the book for the project (please be specific).

Link your response explicitly to the book.

Identify one question that you plan on asking Audrey when she is a guest speaker in our class.

Requirements: 600 words   |   .doc file


Thank you Henry! for the last part (part 3) i will give you the log in for it now


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subsistence marketplaces

APA 718 words

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