Has the rise of streaming games online made a positive/negative impact on the video games industry? Discuss.

Has the rise of streaming games online made a positive/negative impact on the video games industry? Discuss.


(Note: This version is to be used for an assignment brief issued to students via Classter)

Course TitleAdvanced Diploma in ITLecturer Name & SurnameMr Warren J. Borg Ebejer Ms Elaine Mifsud Scicluna Ms Marilyn Cefai
Unit Number & TitleCDKSK-406-2000: Critical Thinking
Assignment Number, Title / Type2. Analytical Essay; home-based assignment
Date Set22 March 2023Deadline Date28 April 2023
Student Name ID Number Class / Group 
Assessment CriteriaMaximum Mark
Criteria 3.2: Apply a valid and coherent argument in a contextual application.7
Criteria 3.4: Express formal logic, conditionals, and argument construction in a written format.5
Criteria 4.1: Prepare a written paper using academic sources of information.7
Criteria 4.2: Compose a well-researched and well-referenced argument on a vocational topic.10
Criteria 4.3: Demonstrate both valid and invalid types of argument in a written format.7
Criteria 4.4: Apply critical thinking in a vocational application.7
Total Mark:43
Notes to Students:
  This assignment brief has been approved and released by the Internal Verifier through Classter.   Assessment marks and feedback by the lecturer will be available online via Classter (Http://mcast.classter.com) following release by the Internal Verifier   Students submitting their assignment on VLE will be requested to confirm online the following statements:    Student’s declaration prior to handing-in of assignment I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and that I have read and understood the respective Plagiarism Policy    Student’s declaration on assessment special arrangements I certify that adequate support was given to me during the assignment through the Institute and/or the Inclusive Education Unit.I declare that I refused the special support offered by the Institute.  

Assignment Guidelines

  • Prepare a research-based essay plan and a persuasive analytical essay.
  • This assignment assesses criteria from Learning Outcomes 3 and 4. The evaluated criteria are listed on the front sheet and carry 43 marks.
  • The marking rubric at the end of this assignment indicates the distribution of marks.
  • The analytical essay is a home-based assignment.
  • Submit your assignment in softcopy format on VLE. The softcopy is due by 23:55 on the due date. Late submissions will not be assessed.
  • Your essay must be typed in Calibri size 12, 1.5 line spacing and include your name, course, unit title and assignment number. Use the IEEE Style Guide for your references and in-text citations.
  • The College operates a cheating/plagiarism policy, and any copied work will be penalised according to this policy.
  • In all tasks, use proper use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Learning objectives:

Learning Outcome 3: Present valid and coherent arguments within a contextual framework.

Learning Outcome 4: Construct objective, analytical arguments and conclusions that are well supported by relevant use of information, evidence, and data in written form.

Assignment Guidelines for Task 1: The Essay Plan (7 marks)

Choose an essay question from the list provided and conduct academic research to plan and write a persuasive analytical essay between 800 – 1,000 words. You can write up to 300 words more.

Before you compose the final essay, you must submit an essay plan via email or Microsoft Teams. Your lecturer will review it and give you feedback about how you approach the essay title you chose. Once your essay plan is approved, you can write your analytical essay.

An essay plan presents a logical overview of your arguments, counterarguments, refutations, and evidence. Include all eight academic references in the essay plan. You need to refer to at least eight sources of information to support your claims.

You are to use the essay plan template provided below and type your plan in your own words and bullet-point format.

Complete each section, and write down the authors’ last names, year of publication and the URL link or publication details.

Essay plan template:

Essay Title:
SectionWhat to sayReferences to use
IntroductionBackground context:Thesis statement:Three arguments: 
BodyArgument 1:Counterargument 1:Refutation 1:Argument 2:Counterargument 2:Refutation 2:Argument 3:Counterargument 3Refutation 3: 
ConclusionSummary:Recommendation, i.e., the way forward: 

Assignment Guidelines for Task 2: The Persuasive Analytical Essay (36 marks)

Using the points listed in your essay plan, argue your position (opinion) on the issue. Support your idea with three relevant arguments and three counterarguments to demonstrate your critical thinking skills.

You are to follow the persuasive analytical essay structure on page 4 and write in an academic style. Also, use accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation.

To support your position and present a convincing argument, conduct academic research using reliable sources such as newspaper articles, trustworthy websites, and journal databases.

Paraphrase in-text citations in your own words. While you may include direct quotes, keep these to a minimum.

In addition to supporting your position, research three counterarguments to present valid opposing arguments.

Accurate referencing is required. Your essay should include a minimum of 8 references cited within your essay and listed in your Reference List according to the IEEE Style of Referencing.

The essay is to be typed in size 12 Calibri font and spaced with 1.5cm.

Essays under or exceeding the word limit by 10% will be penalised.

Essay Topics

  1. Are academics right to be concerned about ChatGPT affecting academic integrity? Discuss.
  2. Do subtitles in film enhance or distract from the viewing experience? Discuss.
  3. Has the rise of streaming games online made a positive/negative impact on the video games industry? Discuss.
  4. Can social media catalyse activism, or does it merely reinforce echo chambers and tribalism? Discuss.
  5. Is it possible to protect ourselves from the dark side of social media? Discuss.
  6. Is social media able to foster productive study habits among students? Discuss.
  7. Has the use of IT improved the quality of education and student experience on campus? Discuss.
  8. Have emojis enhanced or limited our emotional expression in digital communication? Discuss.
  9. Should parents today be concerned about their children growing up in a digital age? Discuss.
  10. Has social media improved our mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic? Discuss.
  11. Will AI-generated content replace artists, musicians, and writers? Discuss.  


Essay structure: Persuasive Analytical Essay


  • Introduction Background information (general sentence/s about the subject)
  • Background information (specific sentence on the topic).
  • Thesis statement (your position/opinion)
  • Outline (three arguments which support your thesis).


Paragraph 1:

  • Argument 1 (topic sentence). Firstly, …
  • Supporting sentences (evidence, examples & in-text citations). For example, …
  • Counter argument. However, some may argue that …
  • Refutation (rebuts the counterargument, then emphasises why the main argument is more substantial). Although this may be true, …
  • Concluding sentence: Thus, …

Paragraph 2:

  • Argument 2 (topic sentence). Secondly….
  • Supporting sentences (evidence, examples & in-text citations). For example, …
  • Counter argument. On the other hand, some may argue that…
  • Refutation (rebuts the counterargument, then emphasises why the main argument is more substantial). Although this may be true, …
  • Concluding sentence: Thus, …

Paragraph 3:

  • Argument 3 (topic sentence). Thirdly….
  • Supporting sentences (evidence, examples & in-text citations). For example, …
  • Counter argument. In contrast, some may argue that…
  • Refutation (rebuts the counterargument, then emphasises why the main argument is more substantial). Although this may be true, …
  • Concluding sentence: Thus, …


  • Summary of main ideas (outline). In conclusion, …
  • The thesis statement re-stated. Thus, …
  • Recommendation. Therefore, …
Assessment CriteriaGrading RubricMarks achieved
Criteria 3.2: Apply a valid, cogent and coherent argument in a contextual application. (A&A: 7 marks)Composes a clear introduction which introduces the context of the issue. (1 mark) 
Presents a thesis statement which states a clear position on the issue. (1 mark) 
Outlines three valid arguments which support the thesis. (1 mark) 
Composes an essay body with three cogent and coherent arguments. (3 marks) 
Summarises the main ideas in a conclusion. (1 mark) 
Criteria 3.4: Express knowledge of formal logic, conditionals, and argument construction in a written format. (K&U: 5 marks)Body paragraphs are written in a cohesive manner. (The main arguments are presented with effective use of transition words (e.g. Firstly etc.) (1 mark) 
Counter arguments are presented with effective use of transition words. (1 mark) 
Accurate use of language (grammar and spelling) (1 mark) 
The counterarguments are refuted logically. (1 mark) 
Modality is used to distinguish between weak and strong arguments (e.g., may, could…) (1 mark) 
Criteria 4.1: Prepare a written paper using a minimum of eight sources of information. (A&A: 7 marks)Prepares an essay plan which clearly sets out an overview of the essay. (5 marks) 
Prepares an essay plan which follows the persuasive analytical format. (1 mark) 
Prepares an essay plan with reference to 8 academic sources. (1 mark) 
Criteria 4.2: Compose a well-researched and well- referenced argument on a vocational topic. (S&E:10 marks)Composes a well-researched argument by supporting ideas with 8 academic sources. (4 marks: 0.5 per source) 
Composes a minimum of 6 effectively paraphrased citations. (3 marks) 
Produces a well-researched essay with a minimum of eight in-text citations according to the IEEE Style Guide. (2 marks) 
Includes a reference list that accurately follows the IEEE Style Guide. (1 mark) 
Criteria 4.3: Demonstrate both valid and invalid types of argument in a written format. (A&A: 7 marks)Composes three valid arguments in a persuasive analytical essay format. (3.5 marks) 
Identifies three invalid arguments and composes counterarguments accordingly in a persuasive analytical essay format. (3.5 marks) 
Criteria 4.4: Apply critical thinking in a vocational application. (A&A:7 marks)Composes main arguments which are well developed with supporting examples and evidence. (3 marks) 
Composes counterarguments which are well developed with supporting examples and evidence. (3 marks) 
Demonstrates an ability to write critically within a vocational context. (1 mark) 

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