Adlerian psychology strongly emphasizes the significance of comprehending a person’s psychological birth order

Adlerian psychology strongly emphasizes the significance of comprehending a person’s psychological birth order


Adlerian Leadership Pocket Card

Response 1

Adlerian psychology strongly emphasizes the significance of comprehending a person’s psychological birth order and the influence of their home environment on the development of their personality. As a result, these elements may also impact a person’s leadership style. Seven considerations should be made while taking the lead with an Adlerian strategy:

  • Recognize your psychological birth order: Your leadership style may differ depending on whether you are the firstborn, middle child, or youngest child. Firstborns, for instance, might lead with a more dictatorial approach, but middle children might be more diplomatic and good at compromising.
  • Think about your family dynamic: Your leadership style may also be influenced by the environment in which you were reared. For instance, if there was a lot of conflict in your family growing up, you might be a leader who avoids conflict more.
  • Rather than micromanaging their followers, Adlerian leaders seek to empower them. You may assist your team members in realizing their full potential by giving them chances for development and advancement.
  • Create connections: Adlerian leaders place a high value on creating a good relationship with their followers. You may encourage a sense of trust and cooperation among your team members by exhibiting empathy, respect, and kindness.
  • Promote equality: Adlerian leaders view all team members as having the same rights and obligations, regardless of their position or status. This promotes a workplace that is more democratic and welcoming.
  • Encourage honest and open communication: Adlerian leaders encourage this so team members may express their views and feelings without worrying about being judged or facing repercussions.
  • Adlerian leaders have a future-focused outlook. You may assist your team in moving forward and achieving their goals by keeping your attention on the present rather than lingering on errors or issues from the past.

Remember that leadership strategies work differently for various people. The leader’s style and followers’ needs should be considered. By adopting an Adlerian philosophy, leaders may establish a productive and empowering workplace that promotes development, cooperation, and success.

References Used

Barrett, T., Anttila, E., Webster, P., & Haseman, B. Multimodal Narrative Inquiry: Six Teacher Candidates Respond

Zhou, Y. (2021). Leadership Influence on Collective Teacher Efficacy in Multi-cultural Teams: A Mixed-Methods Study (Doctoral dissertation, Seattle Pacific University).

Response 2

Leadership style can be a part of the family dynamics or how one was raised prior to having children. Parents are taught various techniques when instilling to their children and how one will improve the relationships every encounter. The following dynamics are mutual respect between people, Fair play, Empathy towards others, Peaceful negotiations, social interest, shared responsibilities, and avoidance of pampering. Each dynamic is related to the democratic aspect of family values and next steps among change.

  • Mutual Respect between people
    1. To establish mutual respect one way is to challenge the identification within the relationship with siblings. Though mutual respect can demonstrate strength in sibling relationships by the unity of respecting one another.
  • Fair play
    1. Fair play is when enforcement of consequences from parents. It establishes the concept as to how one treats each other. Children can learn to play fairly with others and within the democratic family. However, this stage is important for children to understand the consequences of behavior. Dreikurs (2012), Children can learn without privileges in early adulthood.
  • Empathy towards others
    1. It is the eyes of another, listening with the ears and feeling with the heart. It is the process of how the brain references the feeling or the way they think. Democratic family leadership allows the parents to instill the connection to emotions and build an understanding of how empathy works among relationships.
  • Peaceful negotiations
    1. It is the concept of peaceful negotiations as this helps children and adults problem solve in various complex ways and validate on what is being stated from each persons perspective. It can decrease the jealousy between siblings that can address the behaviors of first born to last born. This can demonstrate a healthier democratic situation related to family and observes from afar.
  • Social interest
    1. Parents can set the standard in a democratic family by accordance to birth order. The family climate sets parents and older sibling as the supportive teaching strategies and guidance. It is motivating, activating, guiding behavior in a direction as Adler believed this is precondition. (Ansbacher, H.L, 1992) It can also be related to social interest in work, love, and marriage.
  • Share responsibilities and activity
    1. In the family democratic sharing responsibilities and activities can encourage feeling and motivates family members to be socially responsible within a community.
  • Avoid Pampering
    1. Adler states “status of one’s mental health can be formulated on the basis of feeling valued and belonging.” Pampering can give unequal power which can divide expectations from others within the family democratic. By avoiding pampering, it can help children not be entitled to thing and demonstrates leadership within the family.

The Adlerian approach to leadership is being transparent, ethical self aware, socially interested and being able to demonstrate humility through encouragement by achieving goals shared within the circle of family. According to Lewin and Dreikurs (2012), the Adlerian perspective that long term personality development is shaped by family dynamics and leadership style.


Ansbacher, H. L. (1992). Alfred Adler’s Concepts of Community Feeling and of Social Interest and the Relevance of Community Feeling for Old Age Links to an external site.Links to an external site.Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research & Practice48(4), 402.

Dreikurs, R. (2012). Social Equality: The Challenge of today. Adler School of Professional Psychology.

Eckstein, D., & Kaufman, J. A. (2012). The Role of Birth Order in Personality: An Enduring Intellectual Legacy of Alfred Adler Links to an external site.Links to an external site.Journal of Individual Psychology68(1), 60–74.

Adlerian Leadership and Culture

Response 1

Hello everyone,

In regards to leadership I learned that I value open and honest communication. Due to the response of my peers I noticed a common demo i atom is respect. When Thinking about respect we often define it based on our personal expectation. The way one views respect is often completely dire rent from the next. Due to this When working with communions having roles of leadership it can often be a challenge defining and upholding respect. I realized that setting boundaries and expectations is helpful everyone gets to contribute to the list and everyone can agree to utilize the expectations to uphold respect within the community.

The culture we are embedded in definitely influences our leadership style. Cultural framework changes the conversation on leadership as hierarchy is valued in the U.S but can often lead to unnecessary competition. Who’s are often hard to check when going into anything thinking “I’m in charge” understanding that a leader is a guide to the be all end all. I think utilizing the concept of inclusive leadership where though there is a leader the efforts to reach the goal are team based, everyone’s voice is heard and everyone is working cohesively for the common goal.

Response 2

In this weeks assignment, I will discuss my reflection on birth order and cultural framework. What I haven’t noticed before completing this assignment is that I believe it’s amazingly interesting how an individuals birth order can have an effect on their development as contributing human beings within society. As the firstborn/oldest in my family, aligning the Adlerian Theory of birth order characteristics with my personality and displayed behaviors provides me with an extensive overview of my implemented leadership attributes. I appreciate the birth order lens as an essential concept that elucidates the complexities of human behavior and social interaction. The birth order theory can be utilized as a guide for us to better understand cultural diversity and the ways in which cultural values and beliefs shape our understanding of the world and our place within it. By reflecting on our birth order and culture, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us and the unique contributions that different cultures have to offer.

As an African American graduate student, I view birth order through a unique lens shaped by my community’s longstanding historical experiences. Birth order, in terms of a family’s hierarchy, is a concept that applies to all cultures, but it is especially significant to African Americans, who have experienced generations of systemic oppression which have shaped their family dynamics and societal roles. Birth order is a critical framework that informs my cultural identity, education, and understanding of diverse family structures.

In African American culture, the hierarchy of cultural birth order typically follows a matriarchal system. Women are the head of the family and hold an influential role in shaping family traditions, morals, and ethics. Men often take on the role of the provider, but they have less power and autonomy within the family structure when compared to matriarchs, especially when it comes to decision-making. This cultural birth order is reflective of the larger societal structures that have marginalized African Americans for centuries, first under slavery and then under Jim Crow laws.

Despite these challenges, African American families have developed a unique resilience, survival, and thriving mechanism that has allowed them to maintain their cultures and traditions. Cultural birth order is a tool that has helped African American families maintain their cultural identity, especially in terms of passing down stories and values. The matriarchal model of allocation and distribution of power provides a unique opportunity for women to guide and mentor younger generations. In my personal experience, cultural birth order has played a significant role in shaping my education, as it highlights the importance of acknowledging and respecting the roles of each member of the family. It also teaches me how to navigate different power dynamics in different situations, including those beyond my cultural assumptions. It has also shown the importance of generational continuity in the family to maintain identity, connections, and aging support. As an African American, this cultural framework has also increased my sensitivity to cultural diversity and adaptation, where I have found similarities and differences with other cultural frameworks. In this view, I understand that my cultural birth order is unique to me and my family, but it is also influenced and affected by larger societal and world issues.

In conclusion, cultural birth order, particularly in African American culture, is a critical framework that informs family roles, traditions, and decision-making. It is a tool that has helped African American families maintain their cultural identity, despite centuries of systemic oppression. As an African American graduate student, I have gained an appreciation for the cultural birth order framework, its impact on my identity and education, and its importance in acknowledging and respecting diverse cultures and traditions. Understanding one’s cultural birth order, particularly in any diverse setting, will allow the ability to navigate different power dynamics, increase sensitivity to multiculturalism, and foster appreciation for cultural diversity.

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