Understanding the impact of statutory and regulatory changes is essential for business leaders

Understanding the impact of statutory and regulatory changes is essential for business leaders

Understanding the impact of statutory and regulatory changes is essential for business leaders. While the political environment can lead to frequent changes in the law, changes in the regulatory environment may occur much more frequently and without much press. Therefore, it is important to know which resources are available and how reliable they are in providing updated information so that business leaders can make informed decisions.

To prepare for this Discussion, assess the current legal and regulatory environment, being mindful of its evolution, as well as its reactive nature, as government typically responds to crises with additions to or changes in both laws and regulations. Also consider the struggles within government that lead Congress to assume additional oversight of executive branch agencies. Review the assigned resources from the text, particularly Chapters 10 and 11, and respond to the following.

Post an analysis of how the legal and regulatory environment (as discussed in the required readings from the text) relates to a business environment with which you are familiar and to your own experience. In your analysis, be sure to do the following:

  • Briefly describe the business context you are analyzing.
  • Explain the legal and regulatory concepts that seem most relevant to that environment, providing scholarly evidence for your assertions.
  • Discuss the major challenges you see in conducting business in compliance with this legal and regulatory environment.
  • Suggest recommendations for additional research that should be done to ensure these laws and regulations accomplish the purpose for which they are intended.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources


  • Girgenti, R. H., & Hedley, T. P. (Eds.). (2016). The new era of regulatory enforcement. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • Introduction (pp. xi–xvi)
    • Chapter 1, “The New Era of Regulatory Enforcement” (pp. 1–26)
    • Chapter 10, “Fraud and Misconduct in Healthcare” (pp. 225–236)
    • Chapter 11, “Fraud and Misconduct in Life Sciences” (pp. 237–253)
    • Note: Be sure to check the valuable resources cited in the Endnotes appendix for each of these chapters.
  • Bebchuk, L. A., & Hamdani, A. (2006). Federal corporate law: Lessons from history.Links to an external site.Columbia Law Review106(7), 1793–1838.
  • Jiang, J., Aldewereld, H., Dignum, V., Wang, S., & Baida, Z. (2015). Regulatory compliance of business processes.Links to an external site. AI & Society30(3), 393–402. doi:10.1007/s00146-014-0536-9
  • Kaiser, F. M. (2001). CRS report for Congress: Congressional oversight (Report No. 97-936)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/resources/pdf/CRS.Oversight.pdf
  • Razak, A. A. (2009). Understanding legal research.Links to an external site. Integration & Dissemination, 4, 19–24.
  • Regulations.govLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2017, from https://www.regulations.gov
  • Briefly describe the business context you are analyzing (Please explain your topic and in what context you plan to study it).
    Explain the legal and regulatory concepts that seem most relevant to that environment, providing scholarly evidence for your assertions. (How does the law apply to your topic? What laws do you see as having the most potential to impact the study?)
    Discuss the major challenges you see in conducting business in compliance with this legal and regulatory environment. (What changes to the law have occurred that impact your study topic? What costs do companies incur to comply with (or fail to comply with) the laws in this area?)
    Suggest recommendations for additional research that should be done to ensure these laws and regulations accomplish the purpose for which they are intended. (Specifically, how will your study help impact the area of your topic concerning informing or working within the regulations or laws that apply to your topical site?)
    My bolded items will help you understand how to apply this question to your topic. I want us to work towards improving your topic this term while also finding ways to incorporate compliance, ethical regulations, and laws into your topic of interest
  • The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Performance is my chosen reserch topic

Requirements: 600

My chosen topic is The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Performance

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