Governing a health care organization is a team effort. It is particularly important that all members of the team

Governing a health care organization is a team effort. It is particularly important that all members of the team

Assurance of Learning Exercise: Board of Directors Presentation Assignment Instructions


Governing a health care organization is a team effort. It is particularly important that all members of the team understand the role of governance and what constitutes effective governance. The Board of Directors are responsible for developing and reviewing the healthcare organization’s overall mission and strategy. As a healthcare leader/administrator, you are responsible for collaborating and communicating with the board. Communication often involves presentations at board meetings. The board guides the long-term goals and policies for the organization by making strategic plans and decisions. The board does not get involved in managing the organization’s activities; rather, they oversee them.


Students will create a 10–15-minute narrated presentation resulting from their report, based on the Assurance of Learning Exercise: Strategies for a Healthcare Organization Assignment.

Presentations must be created and narrated using Microsoft PowerPoint only. Your presentation will include no more than 10 slides, so synthesize your information concisely. You will be allotted 5 additional slides for the title, agenda, primary conclusions and/or recommendations, and references. Three peer-reviewed sources current within 5 years must be included. Biblical integration must be provided.

The Board of Directors for your healthcare organization requests recommendations concerning the strategic direction you have chosen and the current position of the organization. With that in mind, complete the following:

  1. Based on your 10-page report findings, succinctly present what this organization should do and why. For this portion, the board desires specific plans, strategies, and recommended actions in the form of a formal and comprehensive business plan. This will position the organization to fulfill its existing and/or revised mission, enhance its profitability, and/or better position it in its competitive markets.
    1. Include Biblical worldviews of compassion and stewardship in relation to the impact of cost, quality, and access to care for the organization.
  2. The board also needs your recommendations concerning implementation, pace, and timeline for assessment of effectiveness, etc.
  3. Provide a concise summary/conclusion of your strategic recommendations (supported by peer-reviewed sources).

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Governing a health care organization

13 slides

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