Focusing on one of the main groups of characters from the Wire (Baltimore Police Department, local politicians

Focusing on one of the main groups of characters from the Wire (Baltimore Police Department, local

PLSC 263: The Wire
Final Paper Spring 2023 Rubric
Focusing on one of the main groups of characters from the Wire (Baltimore Police Department, local
politicians like Mayor Carcetti or Mayor Royce, the Barksdale, Stanfield or Proposition Joe led Co-Op
drug organizations, or the dock workers from Season 2, etc), how might they make use of some of the
social science concepts and theories we have discussed in this class to help them achieve their goal(s)?
Your paper should identify the group of focus as well as a goal that they are trying to achieve throughout
the show. You should then make a clear statement of how two! specific social science concepts/theories
might help the group in question achieve a desired result—this will be your thesis statement.
The remainder of the paper should explain why each of these two! concepts would be helpful to the group
in question and how. For the explanation of the usefulness of each concept you are expected to cite

  1. Course Readings/Lecture Content
  2. Specific examples from the HBO TV show ‘The Wire’
  3. At least three relevant, peer-reviewed journal articles or academic books for concept #1
  4. At least three relevant, peer-reviewed journal articles or academic books for concept #2
    This paper is an individual assignment. The expectation is that you complete this assignment without the
    assistance of AI in writing. All work will be checked for plagiarism.
    Papers should be 8-10 double-spaced pages. Papers should include a works cited list. The works cited list
    does not count toward the page limit.
    Final Paper Grading
  5. Paper has identified a group of focus & identified 2 concepts. (10pts)
  6. Paper has a thesis statement that explains how the two identified concepts/theories might help the
    group in question achieve its goal(s). (15pts)
  7. Paper provides a clear explanation, based on the cited sources, of the usefulness of the first
    concept/theory. (30 pts)
  8. Paper provides a clear explanation, based on the cited sources, of the usefulness of the second
    concept/theory. (30 pts)
  9. Paper cites course reading, lecture content, and external sources. (15pts)

Highlighted in Blue = Concept Topic
Highlighted in Yellow = Class Reading/Lecture Slides
Notes and Readings on Concept #1: Carceral Contact and Political Participation
Neighbors often have things in common…

  • Shared neighborhood resources and organizations
  • Schools that children attend
  • Socioeconomic status • Income
  • Education
  • Occupations
  • Political participation, Why?
    Notes on Neighborhood Poverty and African American Politics by Cathy Cohen and Michael Dawson
    Dawson and Cohen 1993
  • 1989 survey data from Detroit; focus on Black residents
  • Investigate relationship between neighborhood poverty and political
    behavior and beliefs
  • Finding: Living in a neighborhood with high poverty impacts political behavior and beliefs
    independent of individual characteristics and poverty
    How?: Political Isolation
  • Isolation from social institutions involved in politics •àdecreased perceptions of individual and
    community efficacy
    Notes on Political Consequences of the Carceral State by Vesla M. Weaver Amy Lerman
    Carceral Contact and Political Participation Weaver and Lerman 2010
    How does contact with the carceral system influence political beliefs and behaviors?
  • Findings: Individual-level interactions with the carceral state negatively impact political participation.
  • Variety of types of carceral contact, including arrest and jail time
  • Variety of political outcomes, including voting and trust in government
    How does contact with the carceral state reduce political participation?
    Resource Effects: criminal justice policies depress political action by limiting resources.
  • Finances, job prospects, participation in community groups/ institutions Interpretive Effects: citizens
    learn about the government and their civic
    identity through contact with the carceral state.
  • May lead to cynicism with government authorities as a whole
  • May influence perceptions of political standing, efficacy, and citizenship
    Notes on Trading DECLINE OF Democracy AND THE For Justice Criminal Convictions and the Decline
    of Neighborhood Political Participation (Chapter 1 and 2) by Traci Burch
    Carceral Contact at Neighborhood Level Burch 2013
  • Entire neighborhoods experience carceral contact • Consider how police deploy their efforts…
  • Living in a neighborhood with high incarceration reduces political participation
  • Even among those without carceral contact
  • Residents of high-imprisonment neighborhoods 74% less likely to vote than• Less likely to participate in
    other ways, as well… Why?
  • Answer: Less social/political resources, combo of mechanisms mentioned, lack of political mobilization

Notes and Readings on Concept #2: Politics and the Media
Can News Media Affect Policy?

  • Yes, in The Wire! In very dramatic fashion
  • Similarities with the process identified by scholars
    TV News Effects on Political Evaluations (Iyengar and Kinder)
  • Agenda setting
  • How individuals/governments choose and arrange the topics on the public agenda
  • Priming
  • Exposure to information/stimulus that conditions later processing of
  • In this case “drawing attention to some aspects of political life at the expense of others”, which
    conditions how political judgments are made (ex: how individuals rate presidential performance)
    Political Ramifications of the News
    Notes on News That Matters (Chapter 12) by S. Iyengar and D. Kinder)
  • Determining governmental focus/ agenda setting
  • “…which problems the government takes up and which it can safely ignore…”
  • Mediaàpublic opinionàpolicy
  • The relationship between public opinion and policy is loose and gradual, but it is there • Media informs
    this relationship
  • Facilitating/undermining “incumbent president’s ability to govern…” • Presidential approval ratings (TV
    newsàcriteria used to evaluate president)
  • Intruding “upon campaigns and elections”
  • Priming can impact the issues at question in an election
    Is the Relationship between News and Politics Good or Bad? (Reflective of “reality”?)
  • Too much focus on the president
  • Anti Democratic in its presentation
  • Too superficial (all news)
  • Objective (rather than oppositional)
    Hayes and Lawless Provide Present-Day Look
    Notes on The Decline of Local News and Its Ef ects: New Evidence from Longitudinal Data by D. Hayes
    and J. Lawless
  • Does decline in Congressional coverage suggest that focus on presidency (from Iyengar and
    Kinder) persists
  • Serious decline in local newspapers in 21st century
  • Focus here is on (local) newspapers, through 2010 and 2014 House campaigns
    Hayes and Lawless Provide Present-Day Look
  • Does decline in Congressional coverage suggest that focus on presidency (from Iyengar and
    Kinder) persists
  • Serious decline in local newspapers in 21st century
  • Focus here is on (local) newspapers, though- 2010 and 2014 House
  • Decline in news coverageàdecline in citizen engagement

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main groups of characters from the Wire

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