Select ONE dance and thoroughly DESCRIBE the dance in terms of the Elements of Dance. Make sure to include information

Select ONE dance and thoroughly DESCRIBE the dance in terms of the Elements of Dance. Make sure to include information

  1. Select ONE dance and thoroughly DESCRIBE the dance in terms of the Elements of Dance. Make sure to include information on the choreographer’s use of body, action, space, time and energy. How do the dancers use space? Shape? What is the rhythm, use of time, dynamics of the movement? What were the groupings of dancers? Was there any partnering? Did you notice an interrelationship among the movements such as repetition and variation of the movement theme and the relationship between the dance and the dancers. Also, describe the costumes, lighting, and music, and stage atmosphere of this dance. Lastly, why is it important to know how to describe a dance? Make sure to include the title of the dance and the name of the choreographer when describing the work. Name: SIREN. Choreographer: Alexandra Winer
  2. Select ONE dance (different from the first one) and INTERPRET the dance. What is the main idea or theme of this dance? How do you know? Interpretation means forming a plausible hypothesis about the meaning of a dance and then backing it up with evidence (movement description). You can examine the meaning of a dance in various ways. For example, if a dance is abstract, you can base your interpretation on the various elements found within the dance (how is the movement used to convey the subject matter, or what about the geometric design, partnering, contrasts, etc.). Next you can interpret the relationship between metaphor and movement. Or, perhaps the dance has a clear narrative, and if it does, describe it. You may feel that the choreographer is trying to convey something that you just don’t get. That is okay. What is it in the dance that makes you feel this way? How does the dance relate to the audience? Is the energy projected out, or does it draw the spectator in? Make sure to include the title of the dance and the name of the choreographer when describing the work. Name: BY DESIGN. Choreographer:Kim Holt
  3. Select ONE dance (different from the first one) and ANALYZE the dance. What is the genre or style of the dance? Ballet, modern, jazz, tap, musical theatre, world dance, social dance, dance for the camera? How does the genre contribute to your overall understanding of the dance? How do you contextualize the dance based on style? What historical, cultural, and/or social elements contribute to your analysis? Make sure to include the title of the dance and the name of the choreographer when describing the work. Name:SORRY, IT’S OCCUPIED. Choreographer: Catherine Bright 
  4. Select ONE dance (different from the first one) and EVALUATE the dance. What do you think the choreographer’s intent was in creating the piece, and how well did the choreographer fulfill the intent? What was your overall reaction to the dance? Why do you think you had this reaction? Was this dance successful? What aspects of the dance made it successful (or unsuccessful)? Use your Elements of Dance vocabulary, understanding of style, and understanding of production elements in this evaluation. Also, be aware of your own personal biases and assumptions. Be specific (and use movement description as evidence) when you articulate your likes and dislikes. How can you evaluate the dance within its own context? Make sure to include the title of the dance and the name of the choreographer when describing the work. Name:NOBLE SORROW. Choreographer: Kia Smith 

Dance concert question 3

Dance concert question 2

Dance question 4 (2)

Dance question 4

Dance concert question 1

Requirements: 3-4   |   .doc file

You must write a minimum of 250 words per dance, organized as a 3-paragraph mini-essay with an introduction, a substantial body paragraph, and a conclusion.

Demonstrate your understanding of the Elements of Dance vocabulary and concepts. Also, clearly articulate your understanding of the different dance genres we have explored, including their unique characteristics. Lastly, include your knowledge of production elements as they relate to the overall pieces.

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Elements of Dance

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