Write a short paper about a marketing campaign for a digital content product. It can be about a film, TV show or special

Write a short paper about a marketing campaign for a digital content product. It can be about a film, TV show or special

Marketing Campaign: Write a short paper about a marketing campaign for a digital content product. It can be about a film, TV show or special, music album, performance, exhibition, or other content product.

You will need to find at least four newspaper, magazine, business publication, or journal that specifically discusses this marketing campaign. I Understand this may limit your choice of campaigns. If you want to write about something else that is less known, expect to cite at least two telephone or email interviews with people involved directly in the campaign.

You might discuss:

  • Which consumer segment(s) is the campaign target?
  • What platforms did the marketers use? (TV, radio, print, Internet, games, social media)
  • What was their message? (Why should anyone watch/buy/listen to/attend) this digital content?
  • Try to find information about how successful the campaign was.

4 pages long. Formatted in APA style. You will need at least four citations — in addition to your text, should you cite it.

Requirements: 4 PAGES


Course Textbook:

Reading: Chapters 3, 4, 5, & 14

Managing Electronic Media : Making, Marketing, and Moving Digital Content, 01th Edition

By: Van Tassel, Joan


Course Textbook:

Chapters 7, 8, 9, & 10

Managing Electronic Media : Making, Marketing, and Moving Digital Content, 01th Edition

By: Van Tassel, Joan


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Write a short paper about a marketing

APA 1191 words

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