How do the policies of Belgium in the Congo fit the pattern of imperialism described by the textbook?

How do the policies of Belgium in the Congo fit the pattern of imperialism described by the textbook?

The Brutal History of The Belgian Congo

Textbook: The Human Journey, Chapter 10

Videos: Imperialism: Crash Course in World History #35   and Leopold II of Belgium: Racism, Slavery, and Genocide in the Congo

Primary Sources:King Leopold’s public lettersKing Leopold’s letter to Colonial Missionaries, and George Washington Williams’s Open Letter to King Leopold II (1893)

QUESTION 1: How do the policies of Belgium in the Congo fit the pattern of imperialism described by the textbook? What language does King Leopold use to describe the mission of the Belgians in the Congo? How does that message differ from the actual practices? What, according to George Washington Williams, are some of the tricks the Belgians used to subdue the natives of the Congo? With what specific legal or moral offenses does he charge the Belgians? How would you describe the tone and the substance of his letter?


Textbook: The Human Journey, Chapter 11

VideoDecolonization and Nationalism Triumphant: Crash Course World History #40

Primary Sources: Kenyatta, Speech at the Kenya African Union Meeting, 1952; Gandhi, excerpts from Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj; and Letter to Lord Irwin

QUESTION 2: What are some of the explicit and implicit criticisms of colonialism by Gandhi and Kenyatta? What forms the basis of the new kind of identity they envision for their people? What hopes do they have? Do you see evidence in their remarks of the more general ideologies covered in the textbook?

Requirements: 450 words each

The instructor emphasized this: “For academic professionalism and integrity, always cite sources in the format of either The Chicago Manual of Style or APA; any assignment without in-text citations is considered incomplete. For all writing in this course, provide both the author’s name and specific page number(s) when citing the textbook or paginated document, even with APA”.

Subject: History

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pattern of imperialism

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