Develop a power point to be used for professional video to present an overview of your QI project to stakeholders.

Develop a power point to be used for professional video to present an overview of your QI project to stakeholders.

Action Items

  1. Develop a power point to be used for professional video to present an overview of your QI project to stakeholders.
  2. Your presentation should:
    1. Introduce yourself. Will be included when completed
    2. Provide an overview of the project including:
      1. A description of the proposed policy change.
      2. System analysis: what data/information identified a need for this policy change.
      3. Goals/Aim of the project.
      4. A brief discussion of the seminal literature on the topic.
      5. The change model you would use to implement the project.
      6. Outcome measures you would use to evaluate the results of the policy change

Grading Criteria

Please refer to the rubric for information on how your work will be assessed. Please also ask your instructor for any clarification as needed.

This assignment is also used to assess DNP Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) through the rubric. The PLO assessment will appear as separate rows within the rubric; it will not contribute points to the assignment.

For your information, the following PLOs is being assessed:

  • PLO 4: Develop interprofessional teams that promote quality care, reduce risk, and improve complex healthcare delivery systems.


Signature Assignment 4

Signature Assignment 4
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction & Conclusion25 to >22.0 pts The student introduces the topic and indicates the purpose of the video thoroughly, and provides sufficient background information on the topic and presents clearly how the information is connected to their understanding. The student’s conclusion expertly summarizes how they have developed a deeper understanding regarding the areas for improvement, and provide abundant evidence of critical thought. 22 to >20.0 pts The student introduces the topic and indicates the purpose of the video, and provides background information on the topic and presents how the information is connected to their understanding. The student’s conclusion summarizes how they have developed some understanding regarding the areas for improvement, and provide evidence of critical thought. 20 to >0 pts The student does not introduce the topic or indicate the purpose of the video, or does not provide background information on the topic or present how the information is connected to their understanding. The student’s conclusion fails to summarize how they have developed understanding regarding the areas for improvement, and/or did not provide evidence of critical thought.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation (CLO 2, 4 PLO 4)50 to >44.0 pts The student included essential points about the given topic. The facts and concepts shared were appropriate for the designated audience. 44 to >41.0 pts The student included many important points about the given topic. The facts and concepts shared were mostly appropriate for the designated audience. 41 to >0 pts The student included few or no important points about the given topic. The facts and concepts shared were not appropriately targeted to the designated audience.50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTechnical Aspects25 to >22.0 pts The student produced a video that was visually and audibly clear, stable and framed well, and had no background distraction or interference. The video was visually appealing and could be used in an exam or waiting room with very little alteration needed. 22 to >20.0 pts The student produced a video that was mostly visually and audibly clear, stable and framed well for the most part, and had little background distraction or interference. The video was fairly visually appealing and could be used in an exam or waiting room with a little alteration. 20 to >0 pts The student produced a video that was visually and/or audibly unclear in some or all parts, lacking stability and/or framed poorly for the most part, and/or had background distraction or interference. The video lacked visual appeal where it would require significant changes before being ready to be shown in an exam or waiting room.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation50 to >44.0 pts The student spoke professionally but personally without any sense that he or she was reading or reciting a script verbatim. The student was dressed professionally in attire that added a lot of credibility to the message. The student used very appropriate images and on-screen text that added much to the message. The student kept the video within the allotted time. 44 to >41.0 pts The student spoke professionally but personally without much sense that he or she was reading or reciting a script verbatim. The student was dressed professionally in attire that added some credibility to the message. The student used appropriate images and on-screen text that mostly added to the message. The student kept the video within the allotted time. 41 to >0 pts The student lacked professionalism and/or it was evident that he or she was reading or reciting a script verbatim in. The student lacked professionalism in attire that detracted credibility from the message. The student used no images or on-screen or items that were too busy, out-of-place screen-wise or topic-wise, or clashed with the color scheme of the presentation. The video was too short or too long.50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePLO 4: Develop interprofessional teams that promote quality care, reduce risk, and improve complex healthcare delivery systems. threshold: 3.0 pts3 ptsProficient 2 ptsAcceptable 1 ptsUnacceptable
Total Points: 150

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