Explain how you are illustrating the concept. Illustrating a real life example

Explain how you are illustrating the concept. Illustrating a real life example

Explain how you are illustrating the concept. Illustrating a real life example 2. Gives new info/goes beyond information already covered in book/class 3. Information presented is factually accurate and relevant 4. Information presented is covered at sufficient depth 5. Example/ demonstration/ technique used effectively illustrates the topic 6. Includes peer-reviewed psychology journal sources

include case studies of repression and ptsd cases

talk about the controversy of why repression may not be a bad thing

talk about the onset/symptoms/treatments/prevention of both repression and ptsd and tie them together

get all info from journals

doesnt have to be a formal essay

just paragraphs about each dif topic you talk about

include APA reference page

Requirements: 2 pages

Masters Psychology

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Explain how you are illustrating the concept

APA 708 words

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